Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 10/25/2005
This is great George, he seems so out of place, he is so relaxed as if he were at home, I like the contrast between his relaxed pose and the words on the wall behind him...great street photography..gosh he looks so close to the street too..
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 10/13/2005
Most interesting George, am surprised he would carry his chair around as such?? Apparently he does. Hmmm.
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 10/11/2005
Brilliant capture, excellent work George, fun too Margaret
Magnus Beierlein
{K:853} 10/11/2005
One of the coolest street shots I've seen on this site. He does not care about the traffic or the stress of the 21st century. He just wants to read the paper like he's done the last 50 years.
Siomply wonderful
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 10/9/2005
:) Simpatico trabajo
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 10/9/2005
Something about this captures a very cool relaxed moment. The sign in the back is kind of a cool spark also.
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 10/9/2005
I take it you need to bring your own lawn chair...Very curious and am interesting street scene George
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 10/8/2005
Drôle! surréel! bon le mélange de l'homme et du slogan sur la palissade; il a l'air tellement excité le bonhomme. drilan
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/8/2005
Hi George,
a great street scene. LOL! the excitement mixed with the non-excitement ;-)
great catch! best wishes, Thilo
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 10/8/2005
Wonderful picture George, I can feel the buzz of excitement emenating from the guy! It is as Carlos said very surreal indeed, I like it very much.
{K:12969} 10/8/2005
The gentleman?s reading the paper alone on a public sidewalk with the same relaxed demeanour as if sitting in the privacy of his backyard creates a perfect and surreal street shot. And the message on the background wall so perfectly placed, so incongruous, considering both the reader and the quietness all around... Hilarious street image with much to consider?
{K:8643} 10/8/2005
Excellent!! This made me chuckle a lot, congrats this is great!!!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 10/8/2005
Encantadora y simpática toma. Felicitaciones!