W. Paul Rosenberry
{K:1729} 10/7/2005
Doyle, Luckily I did take a couple, but nothing compares to the Smallmouth that I took when I got home and this weekend it off to the Steelhead Streams!
Doyle Caviness
{K:290} 10/7/2005
Somthing fishy awash here. Interesting photo that illustrates something that non of us inlanders think about very much. Hope that you did get a few with the fly rod though.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 10/6/2005
That is a lot of dead fish. Just think how many you didn;t see.. Very interesting picture. Don.
W. Paul Rosenberry
{K:1729} 10/6/2005
Diego, it is sad, especially when you travel over 1000 miles to paradise and find this. We made the best of the situation and not all beaches were like this one luckily, although the smell was everywhere! Welcome to paradise!
Diego Latt
{K:6884} 10/6/2005
Excellent pic like ever my friend. It's so sad!!! You were the eyes of the red tide. Amazing my friend. Congratulations Diego