alfredo agostini
{K:53} 12/16/2005
Stupenda per l'atteggiamento e l'espressione colti!(oltre al resto!) ciao al
alfredo agostini
{K:53} 12/16/2005
Stupenda per l'atteggiamento e l'espressione colti!(oltre al resto!) ciao al
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 11/16/2005
OH yes that is lovely ,I really lke this piero.what a sweet little girl.best wishes vanessa
Janet B
{K:16139} 10/6/2005
Yes, a wonderful project, Piero! Very nice detail and selective coloring of a beautiful little girl!
Thank you for your kindness!
angela weedall
{K:258} 10/3/2005
ah brilliant, i love selective desaturation! the little girl is so sweet! great shot!
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 9/30/2005
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 9/30/2005
Beautiful and very sweet image Piero! What a wonderful expression on the little one's face, perfect!
Ninni Termine
{K:8990} 9/29/2005
Molto bella, ma il merito maggiore è della bimba!
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 9/29/2005
thanks a lot!
Banchie Banchie
{K:866} 9/29/2005
Very nice photo and very cute girl. I don't know why noone comment it..