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Opabin Lakes
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Image Title:  Opabin Lakes
Favorites: 2 
 By: Tim  Schumm  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Tim  Schumm  Tim  Schumm {Karma:29196}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Pond Images
Touring Canada
Mountain Landscapes
Lens N/A
Uploaded 9/28/2005 Film / Memory Type N/A
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 673 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 25 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Yoho Nat. Park
State -  ALBERTA
Country - Canada   Canada
About We were hiking in the Lake O'Hare area of the Canadian Rockies yesterday during a snow storm that cleared near the end of the day to great effect for our mood and photos.
This trees in the midground are called a Larch trees. They turn yellow in Sept. and that is why we went to this region at this time.
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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 10/9/2005
Hi Roger,

i am just getting out of a 10 day meditation course and haven't been on line till now.
We will be travelling around for yet another 3 weeks before settling down for the winter and getting back to the canvas.....I will have so much to sort through as i will have been living out of my van for 4 months by the end of this trip and around 4000 images to look at and sort through. thanks for all your support and comments.


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 10/9/2005
Hi Stuart,

i am using a 12mm-24mm nikon


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 10/9/2005
Hi Keith,
Thanks... enjoy!


Bob Walker Bob Walker   {K:1066} 10/9/2005
Hi Tim,
I've gotta hand it to you... you sure have a knack for finding incredibly stunning locations - and capturing just incredibly stunning images.
Great work.

Best regards,


tom rumland tom rumland   {K:14874} 10/7/2005
tim, wow! i just got back from yosemite and thought that those views couldn't be beat. it is clear to me now that i was dead wrong! i don't think i'd be able to shoot this as i'd be busy wiping the drool off of myself ;^) the color contrast is simply outstanding. in particular, i like how the trees (larches? are they indigenous or can i find them in the states?) seem to fluoresce. reminds me a bit of an art wolf photo. makes me want to break out the camping chairs and settle in for a beer or two. excellent shot!

take care,


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 10/3/2005
Beautiful autumn scene !!


Keith Ruddell   {K:3570} 10/1/2005
wow Tim.. so you're the landscape Usefilmer I've been hearing about. Wonderful reflection and I love the rocks in the foreground. Can't wait to take a look at more of your work.



Bart Aldrich   {K:7614} 9/30/2005
Wow! Knocked my socks off.


Jim Christensen   {K:18843} 9/29/2005
Breathtaking at least. Your Western Larch are similar to our tammarack, which also turn color and lose thier needles. this is a great shot , a painting for sure


* James * * James *   {K:20200} 9/29/2005
lovely colours again. i wasnt sure if what i was seeing was right or not, it is a bit early to see changing colours still. i definitely miss the changing colours of leaves in canada. i just never seem to find the right places in china to find this phenomena. maybe this year.....



Raffaele Bardelli   {K:3262} 9/29/2005
great landscape.


Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 9/29/2005
The glare of the sky on the water is wonderful.Good


Rob Graziano Rob Graziano   {K:6678} 9/29/2005
tim...I think these are the 3 best shots I have seen thus far from you...and back to back at that...I really, really like your others, but these are World Class!!! Excellent!!!!!


Bruce Harper   {K:5305} 9/29/2005
Hi Tim

My daughter and I hiked the Iceline trail in Yoho about this time last year. Beautiful area although we had rain all day when we did it - still a memorable time. Thanks so much for sharing your views of this area.

Great colours and reflections in this image and the angles on the hills - in real and in reflection - lead the eye nicely to the line of larches.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 9/29/2005
Well, Tim, I imagine you are about ready to return home. You won't be short of scenes to paint after your wonderful harvest in the Canadian wilderness. Very different from my urban environment--I envy you and am grateful for the chance to look over your shoulder at Usefilm! Thanks for so many encouraging comments...


no longer a member no longer a member   {K:10557} 9/29/2005
Awesome photography! I like the striking colors and vivid detail throughout the image. From a previous comment I am not sure if I agree about the horizon, giving the contour of the land isn't level and the trees seem to be straight. Beautiful reflections, I think this is a perfect image!
My compliments


Stuart Mackay Stuart Mackay    {K:4551} 9/28/2005
Awesome wide angle shot Tim .... what lens did you use on this



Craig Wilkins   {K:535} 9/28/2005


Yudha Ananda   {K:70} 9/28/2005



Jim Goldstein   {K:21230} 9/28/2005
Stunning composition and subject. I'd love to see a larger version to make out the details.


Carsten Ranke   {K:14476} 9/28/2005
I love the dynamic super wide perspective, and the wonderful colors of the trees against the foreground and the blue sky - just gorgeous !


Lorraine Nelson   {K:448} 9/28/2005
Absolutely beautiful. Stunning. The kind of shot I'd die for! Well done.



Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 9/28/2005
A beautiful splash of colour against the grey rock, Tim!


Mirek Towski Mirek Towski   {K:14880} 9/28/2005
Very beautiful landscape with lively colors. The blue sky and yellow Larch trees balance each other very well. The reflecion in the calm surface of the lake O'Hare, gives the picture zen quality. The only thing that bothers me is the horizon line which seems not to be leveled. Easy fix in the photoshop. Very well done.


Len Webster Len Webster   {K:25714} 9/28/2005
Really effective photograph - in a distinctive style!




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