City - Lancaster County State - PENNSYLVANIA Country - United States
Taken maybe 45 mins before sunset. I shall not insult these people by saying they are "fascinating", but I DO find their lifestyle and values compelling. When I have more time I shall post something more meaningful on the Amish and Mennonite "Plain People". When I get home I'll do these images more justice cuz I'm working with small jpegs at the moment.
Ina and Margaret, thank you both very much for bearing with me. My current problems are twofold:
First, I simply cannot judge brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness bleh of ANY image using this laptop. The whole LOOK changes depending on the angle of the LCD screen and I can't judge the outcome. Second, I'm working with jpeg BASIC cuz I am unable to process RAW on the road.'s a bit frustrating but hey, I consider myself privileged and hugely fortunate to be here at all haha!
Anthony as you say you will look more closely at these when you can, I really like the lines/shapes and colours in this and the plume of dust behind the horse really adds to the composition. I do feel however that it needs to be a little lighter etc, as you don't get to really appreciate the shapes and colours from this Margaret