Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 1/21/2006
This was my 1st collage and the subject matter was more appealing than basketball players. I did the BB one real quick because I didn't think that I was going to post my individual BB pics. But I ended up posting them too. Thanks for the comments. Keep posting those sports pics. They are much tougher than people give credit.
B Hawkins
{K:1529} 1/21/2006
I like this one even better than your B-Ball collage. Beautiful girl, and well put together.
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 11/6/2005
lhammond12@verizon.net is it Ron, thanks.
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 11/6/2005
What is your e-mail address?
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 10/18/2005
Hi Ron, been trying to get into this. I see how to do grids now and size them.
Might I ask for a suggestion of size of the main overall? Then the big picture in it size? Then size of the seperate pictures in the setup please?? Either in pixels or inches please?
Many thanks!
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 10/10/2005
Darryl if you have Photoshop create a grid layer and then add in other pictures on new layers behind the grid layer.
darryl lambert
{K:87} 10/9/2005
how did you create this collage?
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 10/8/2005
If Paint Shop supports layers, you just keep adding "new" images as layers to your grid. Keep the grid on top and the new layers under.
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 10/8/2005
Hi Ron, I have tried couple of times. I have Paint Shop Pro 9. See how to add the grid lines, but don't know how to do the seperate layer thing I guess...is there more please?? Like to do a collage of my 1 yr old grandaughetr, Kylie.
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 10/8/2005
Thank you John. Once you start, the process is very addictive.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 10/8/2005
The concept is brilliant - I must try something like this! AJ
Len Webster
{K:25714} 10/4/2005
Excellent collage, Ron.
(Thanks for commenting on my Thai pics.)
Best wishes, Len
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 10/3/2005
Done in PS. Real simple , create a grid in one layer and put all photos in individual layers resizing as you go. If you need more advice just e-mail me.
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 10/3/2005
This is very beautiful Ron, the way you did it and all. What photo software did you use? I have yet to do my first collage, can't wait to try after viewing yours!
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 9/27/2005
Very Good Photographic Collage....Ron! ...Excellent Composition!....of Pictures...of Sara...! Regards: Jeff. Thank you...Ron!...for your Regular Visits...and Comments.....Jeff.
Eleisa Martin
{K:2569} 9/26/2005
Very interesting work. I like it a lot.
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 9/26/2005
Hi Ron...what a great collage and composition. Presentation makes a fantastic impact....well done Ron (thanks for the info) kind regards Ray.
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 9/25/2005
Beautiful collage and beautiful girl! Great job Ron!
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 9/25/2005
Wonderful presentation......excellent work...well done...... Clifton.......
Giancarlo Liguori
{K:5281} 9/25/2005
Lovely idea!
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 9/24/2005
Très beau collage, classique mais très bien réalisé ; beau portrait multiple. drilan
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 9/24/2005
Nice arrangement of the photos. Good matrix and combination.
Yazeed Al Ghuraibi
{K:4588} 9/24/2005
Great collage for the first time
creative composition
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 9/24/2005
Wonderfully done Ron, excellent creative composition and great series, I like the lower right one with the candle the most, very well done dear, Regards,