ade mcfade
{K:12388} 10/25/2005
I agree with Kevin on this - but you should never base the qualitry of an image on comments alone. Comments are a measure of popularity of the photographer and the subject itself.
This one's got a real intensity - the dilated pupil could mean affection or fear, and with there being no other features on show, you just don't know which it is.
nice ambiguity
{K:8657} 9/25/2005
Joshua,you dererve a lot more comments .Great images
Larry Monserate Piojo
{K:10780} 9/24/2005
HI joshua! love the perspective in this shot! although i wish it could have been a little sharper especially on the eye. when one looks at the eye... it simply brings everything out of the picture. the story, the emotion.. all of it! but yah... beautiful pic!
b.rgrds, LarryM.P.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 9/24/2005
nice portrait artistic angle
Damion Hamilton
{K:853} 9/24/2005
Love the composition. Very curious!! I just wish that right eye was a little bit more in focus....but considering your shutter speed...not bad at all. Excellent shot.!!