This photo is direct from the camera Maby somebody can tell what,s rong it,s look like a painting I hope you like it at this way File Name IMG_3894.JPG Camera Model Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL Shooting Date/Time 7-9-2005 12:32:18 Shooting Mode Shutter-Priority AE Tv( Shutter Speed ) 1/13 Av( Aperture Value ) 22 Metering Mode Evaluative Metering Exposure Compensation 0 ISO Speed 200 Lens 28.0 - 300.0mm Focal Length 28.0mm Image Size 3235x1798 Image Quality Normal Flash Off White Balance Mode Daylight AF Mode AI Focus AF
You where shooting in Shutter-Priority AE, which should never result in such an overexposed image. My first thought is that you cameras was confused as computers do get from time to time. If this only happens once or once in a while I wouldn't worry too much, but if it overexposes often, I would send it in for repair. The TTL metering sensor may be obscured or otherwise out of whack...
It looks like a beautiful scene, Rene, but overexposed! I notice your shutter speed was 1/13 which is pretty slow for noon time lighting,even with your small f stop, assuming the time is correct. Maybe that's the culprit! Dave.