Kambiz K
{K:37420} 3/19/2006
Thank you Erik for your comment. Also thank you for sharing your feeling about my images. I love everything, from a beautiful rubbishes in the rubbish bin to beautiful people and to those beautiful sexy curves. NOW, few people like special category. That would be fine with me. At present I DO have around 130 candid images which could be waiting for your eyes and your feelings!
Erik Nehring
{K:360} 3/19/2006
Hi Kambiz, there are lots of interesting, good photos in your portfolio. Due to lack of time I write only one comment: Interesting Motives I found, lots of curves, structures I'm not that much interested in, lots of street-photographs I really like. Special moments and pretty good photographed like this one. And this one is good to. Maybe it could be even better in black and white, I would try it. Have a nice day Erik
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 1/27/2006
Thank Glen. I was NOT doing anything illegal. I saw those lovely Greek Zorbas, then I just clicked!
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 1/27/2006
Thanks Sammy.
Glen Converse
{K:2000} 9/24/2005
Hey, what you think you're doin'?
sammy -
{K:4108} 9/7/2005