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Around the world in 8000 days 3
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Image Title:  Around the world in 8000 days 3
Favorites: 0 
 By: ken krishnan  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  ken krishnan {Karma:19102}
Project #18 Beneath Your Feet Camera Model Fuji finepix S7000
Categories Travel
From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio Woods & Gardens
Sky & Landscape
Lens Standard zoom
Uploaded 9/6/2005 Film / Memory Type digital IBM microdrive
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 888 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 9 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
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Country - Ireland   Ireland
About We went hotair ballooning two weeks go. What a wonderful way to see the world below.

We rose up few feets at a time and reached the desired 1000 feet - the perfect height for a gentle flight. From there you could still see the humans, cows and horses on the ground. We waved cheerfuly to the people good bye, spooked the hourses to run around in confussion and when we flew low, we exasperated a bull holding his harem of cows to come to chanllange us in defence of his realm.

We spied on the secluded villas on the banks of river Boyne shielded from outsiders by the trees but hopelessly exposed to the sky above. We followed the snaking and meandering river Boyne along the lush green Boyne valley which is dotted with neolithic world heritage circular-mound graves. We spotted two other balloons taking off at a distance and we flew over golden hay fields full of rolled hay balles ready for transport.

We could see for miles on end and at about 60 KM away was the sprawling Dublin city and its unique two harbour chimneies billowing smoke into the sky. Still further away, out in the horrizon we could see the rolling wicklow mountains and its sugar-loaf hill at the top.

We were up there for about 45 minutes and Victor chose a landing field. He let the gas excape by pulling various ropes to open the window at the top. We came down very gently and landed on the grass field. The balloon draged its feet for few feet and landed. A perfect landing after a
Barbara and Elena Full Image
Thats my friend Eelna and her little daughter Barbara clicking. perfect flight. Everyone of us were truely thrilled to the hilt by that marvelous experience. As per age old ballooning tradition we ended our flight with a glass of Champagne.

Wonderful and delightful journey which will be a great way to travel if you want to go - Around the world in 8000 days !

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There are 9 Comments in 1 Pages
Shiv Kumar Surya Shiv Kumar Surya   {K:17362} 2/13/2011
Very intresting.


Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad   {K:7396} 9/30/2005
I like it.
tanx for your comments.


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 9/27/2005
I'll never forget my balloon flight ~ a treat given to me on my 40th birthday. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and I only wish I'd had a digital camera at the time, Ken.
This shot will bring back some great memories.
Best regards, Chris


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 9/10/2005
This balloon series is wonderful, Ken. It sounds like a great ride. Your colours are very vibrant and presentations very effective.


Pankaj Arora   {K:3752} 9/8/2005
Very Interesting about, ken!

And i liked the point of View a thousand feet above the ground when everything looks so diminished in scale and gives you the illusion of a high monitoring pedestal where you can watch the tiny world go around in it's own merriful din.

Pankaj Arora


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/8/2005
so good my friend, very good, maybe for me the colors-light is so much a clarity..
a great texture composition.. I like it


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 9/6/2005
Wonderful shot - I like the careful composition of the cows and the tree on the green.


Mark Longo Mark Longo   {K:12760} 9/6/2005
Ken, Love these aerial ballon shots!! Great colors and subjects and such a very interesting perspective!

I must tell you of a guy here in the US who has a motorized camera rig that he attaches to a kite!! The most spectacular aerial images! See:

In any event, love these pics, thanks for sharing!



George Black George Black   {K:102014} 9/6/2005
The perspective is wonderful, and the green is astonishing. But it is the velvety texture of the landscape that is most surprising. well done!

All the best,




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