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Around the world in 8000 days 2
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Image Title:  Around the world in 8000 days 2
Favorites: 1 
 By: ken krishnan  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  ken krishnan {Karma:19102}
Project N/A Camera Model Fuji finepix S7000
Categories Journalism
Film Format
Portfolio Ireland
Sky & Landscape
Lens Fuji standard
Uploaded 9/5/2005 Film / Memory Type digital IBM microdrive
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 918 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 7 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Ireland   Ireland
About We went hotair ballooning two weeks go. What a wonderful way to see the world below.

We rose up few feets at a time and reached the desired 1000 feet - the perfect height for a gentle flight. From there you could still see the humans, cows and horses on the ground. We waved cheerfuly to the people good bye, spooked the hourses to run around in confussion and when we flew low, we exasperated a bull holding his harem of cows to come to chanllange us in defence of his realm.

We spied on the secluded villas on the banks of river Boyne shielded from outsiders by the trees but hopelessly exposed to the sky above. We followed the snaking and meandering river Boyne along the lush green Boyne valley which is dotted with neolithic world heritage circular-mound graves. We spotted two other balloons taking off at a distance and we flew over golden hay fields full of rolled hay balles ready for transport.

We could see for miles on end and at about 60 KM away was the sprawling Dublin city and its unique two harbour chimneies billowing smoke into the sky. Still further away, out in the horrizon we could see the rolling wicklow mountains and its sugar-loaf hill at the top.

We were up there for about 45 minutes and Victor chose a landing field. He let the gas excape by pulling various ropes to open the window at the top. We came down very gently and landed on the grass field. The balloon draged its feet for few feet and landed. A perfect landing after a
Barbara and Elena Full Image
Thats my friend Eelna and her little daughter Barbara clicking. perfect flight. Everyone of us were truely thrilled to the hilt by that marvelous experience. As per age old ballooning tradition we ended our flight with a glass of Champagne.

Wonderful and delightful journey which will be a great way to travel if you want to go - Around the world in 8000 days !

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There are 7 Comments in 1 Pages
Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 9/27/2005
An excellent shot with some vibrant colours, Ken.
Best regards, Chris


ricardo longhi-frantz   {K:9628} 9/18/2005
wonderful colored composition! amazing angle!!! liked the frame as well, very intersting and fits perfectly to the image.


Giancarlo Liguori   {K:5281} 9/16/2005
Wonderful colors!! Lovely shot.


Pankaj Arora   {K:3752} 9/8/2005
Now this is an absolute eye candy.Great composition. Nicely seen and intelligent use of the small fluff of cloud in contrast with largish form of the balloon against a blue backdrop.My only concern here is with the crispness of yellow and red which got slightly underexposed against the bright backdrop.

Pankaj Arora


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 9/6/2005
What a gorgeous image, and the journey sounds magical. Thank you for sharing the details in such a delightful manner! This is now in favorites as it is stellar -- looooove the deep blue sky behind the brilliant green half circle of the balloon, as well as the rich red. And those clouds cooperated so nicely, didn't they? You were charmed -- luck o' the Irish?


George Black George Black   {K:102014} 9/6/2005
This is a great one, too, Ken. You are going to increase the demand for hot-air balloon flights around the world. Your framing is just right, too.

Best wishes,


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 9/6/2005
beautiful scene, the hot air ballon against the nice landscaped is perfect, sounds like much fun as I have never done this. wonderful work. also very intresting...




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