Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 8/30/2005
Hvala Harise! Igor
Haris Calkic
{K:4908} 8/30/2005
za ovu sam vec jednom poceo pisati komentar pa mi je pala veza,nema se tu sta puno reci odlicna atmosfera i kompozicija odlican rad 7
Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 8/29/2005
Thank you Rafi! Igor
Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 8/29/2005
Thank you Susie! Igor
Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 8/29/2005
Thank you Riny! Igor
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/27/2005
It's a long time since I've seen snow, Igor and this lovely photo of yours reminded me of it. Come to think of it, I went through Sarajevo in 1988 by night-train from the Dalmatian coast (I think it was from Kardeljevo) to Zagreb. We met the curator of the Jewish wing of the Museum of Sarajevo on the way and for quite some time we corresponded and sent each other literature. Thank you for your very kind comment on my "Memories from Paris 32." Best regards, Rafi
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 8/26/2005
Interesting abstract...would do well in the shadows category too! The tracks are great.
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 8/26/2005
I love how you gaught the whole scene and all of its beautiful details. Riny
Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 8/26/2005
Hvala Mevludine! Pozdrav, Igor
Bosnia Photo
{K:3088} 8/26/2005
Bravo Igore. Izvanredna slika. Odlican rad. Cestitam. Excellent 7/7 Pozdrav, Mevludin