City - Near Whistler State - BRITISH COLUMBIA (B.C.) Country - Canada
Taken on a very nice Hummer 4x4 Tour near Whistler. I really love this spot! I used a UV Filter on the Camera. Thank's for looking! Any comment are welcome.
Hey Sven, super schöns Bild. Nume so us Interesse, für was hesch denn do än Filter verwendet und was für en Typ? Än Skylitefilter oder än andere Farbfilter? Die Canon 10D wo ich ha isch jo scho länger äs Uslaufmodell, chasch günschtig ha isch aber ä super Kamera. Aber äs git halt ä so schöni teure Objektiv däzuä :-) Gruss Luki
Hi Sven, nice shot! Nice and peaceful atmosphere well captured. I prefer your name in this style to the one you used before. Hope you get a few more comments, you deserve it for this image. Don't give up and keep posting. Have a nice one Neil