Gianluca Gentilini
{K:461} 3/5/2009
strong!i like it
orwa juve
{K:6059} 1/22/2006
hi Karina, congratulate, u became such a front page photographer, i like so your street photos, i try to do the same, it's not pretty like fashion :) but it's much more real. glad 2 know u like the grain coz i don't like it, but since am new @ B&W world, i have alot more 2 learn, why don't u try the manual way of this lovly B&W films ? bye omar
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 1/22/2006
Wonderful documentary photo Omar. I just love the grainy black and white. It is impossible to achieve this digitally. Good work!
Zara Hajaig
{K:1143} 11/12/2005
o wow very nice, it makes me think how lazy i am, well done Omar
{K:30983} 8/29/2005
Ciao Omar, sei tornato con uno scatto che fa riflettere. Ci sono delle cose nella vita che siamo abituati ad avere e di cui non ci rendiamo conto dell'importanza e della fortuna se non quando le perdiamo. La foto è molto bella non solo per i contenuti ma anche per la realizzazione che ne accentua lo spessore. Bravo 7.
Paola LL
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 8/24/2005
Hello Omar, all the paper developer are quite good, no big differences. Good luck with your project ! Bye
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 8/23/2005
Omar, your picture has touched me deeply, It has a wonderful message, said all by the writing on his shirt, Excellent composition and the B&W adds more drama to it, Regards to you and to the champ, Very well done, 7777777777777
orwa juve
{K:6059} 8/23/2005
Hey GG, in fact I didn't choose the grain, he has chosen me :)but like what u said it gives a nice mood to the reportage. Is it true that the over exposure causes the grain effect on the B&W ? I use the semi?auto ( I choose the aperture and the camera chooses the speed) I know I should use the manual but I think I don't have enough experience. I used the Rodinal 1+50, could u name me some good paper developer coz I just have film developers. Am working on a new series named " inside fotografia " hope you like it, ciao.
yasargun muslum
{K:6647} 8/23/2005
Merhaba,oldukca etkili bir calısma,kutlarım.
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 8/23/2005
Hello Omar, surely a great spirit (spirit in italian means also soul). A strong portrait reported with a raw black and white.
I think that this contrasts and grain is good choice for this kind of reportage but what did you use to develope it?
Usually T-Max100 is not so grainy (but scanner could have added something)
Stefano Gatti
{K:1172} 8/23/2005
very strong portrait, full of meanings! nice shot! stefano
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 8/23/2005
oh my god, his spirit, your shot, alot of meaning into it
orwa juve
{K:6059} 8/23/2005
Hamze in action