Alyazia Khaleefa
{K:1168} 9/8/2005
this is such a nice flower! good capturing!
Bosnia Photo
{K:3088} 8/31/2005
Excellent! 7/7
Best Regards, Mevludin
andree lerat
{K:17476} 8/23/2005
Wonderful title for this flower. Such a complex flower. :) Andree
Bryan Jarmain
{K:11941} 8/23/2005
Wierd, interesting and effective, Peter. A great shot - well done.
joanna ewa
{K:8061} 8/23/2005
wow... this is like... picture from anothet planet:) excellent nature, macro and best regards joanna ewa
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 8/22/2005
beautiful shot of my favorite flower, Peter. Nicely done!
Mark Kresl
{K:9434} 8/22/2005
Very interesting and beautiful flower, Peter. Nicely shot.
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 8/21/2005
Beautiful passion flower. This is exquisite.
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 8/21/2005
...and just as alive as in Springtime! Love this flower, I guess they would grow here...
Is your computer up and running or are you still using your wife's?
Nice photograph, Peter, Lori :)
Marcia .
{K:16108} 8/21/2005
Excellent angle, Peter. Beautiful flower and colours!
Congratulations and thanks for sharing.
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 8/21/2005
These flowers always amaze me...great capture & presentation Peter
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 8/21/2005
Excellent capture Peter! Beautiful colors and details! Best regards! Roberto.
Yigal Shalhevet
{K:1286} 8/21/2005
I love your macro ,nicly done, even the foreground leaves add to the composition.