hatem yehia
{K:3232} 8/19/2005
bannaa akhiran 7ad fehemny :) thx alot wallahy dunno what 2 say i always work 2 make unusual looks...am so happy u said what i wanted 2... regards man
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 8/19/2005
sure it is a very romantic shot,, very well composed,, nice tones fits the subject,, well done all in all
but.. dear Hatem,,you rotate Horizon of the sea,,so it makes some kind of unusal look..
may be not all of people like it
for me its ok ( althou it converted the classical view to an abstract
beside that a million of 7's u deserve
hatem yehia
{K:3232} 8/19/2005
well thx alot ahmed n yeah i changed da tittle instead of "am in love" 2 this but coz i really felt her in love n alone althu being in this age i know u didnt mean 2 change the tittle 2 this 1 but thx anyways i got ur meaning....
hatem yehia
{K:3232} 8/19/2005
thx alot omni n i dunno abt ur opinion but sure i have 2 respect n appreciate yeah may b its no balanced lets c..... regards sister
hatem yehia
{K:3232} 8/19/2005
thx brian am with u in this...thx
ahmed saied
{K:8734} 8/19/2005
Wounderful dramatic view Hatem , somehow i agree with Omnia , also the tittle is not suitable with such little girl .
Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 8/19/2005
Hatem :) ok it is a very good angle but the problem enaha not balanced contrast between the rocks & the sea r gr8 it is really nice but it cause a balance problem i think 3ala fekra i like the idea gedan & it is a new one really bravo 3aliek also it is a gr8 tones in here well done Friend :) urs Omnia :)
Brian Fillmore
{K:4016} 8/19/2005
very nice feel to this photo