Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 9/30/2005
That is some fine post work. I'll let you know if I can be as creative.
Ed Babcock
{K:651} 9/29/2005
Thanks for your appreciation of "Until". Here is some of what I did. Started with a color digital image, converted it to B&W. Created a new layer in Photoshop on top of the photo, painted with white using a sponge type brush, erased off what I didn't want then used the distortion tool of "twirl" to give some motion to that layer. Hope this gives you a place to start your own. Ed
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 9/29/2005
Thanks for looking. Can you share your process behind "Until". I put it into my favorites. I really like what you did. How did you "portrature" the photo?
Ed Babcock
{K:651} 9/29/2005
Caught my eye..Nic piece of work. You are doing well keep going! Ed
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 8/22/2005
I think the way you've presented this is super - you've turned it from a 'poor photo' (your words), into a really strong image. And if you visit the Mallerstang Valley in February - you wouldn't need a fancy filter there either!
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 8/21/2005
Excellent Photographic Progress..... Ron! Jeff.
mary karimi
{K:10818} 8/15/2005
ommmmmm.............very good and original idea! bravo,
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 8/14/2005
TY Paul. How right you are. When do we say fini? When is the "shot" complete. It's even fun to bring old images to life again with PS.
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 8/14/2005
Thank you for the kind words, Robert.
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 8/14/2005
Excellent composition Ron! Beautiful work! Congrats! Roberto.
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 8/13/2005
This is a very cool image I'm impressed with what you did here. Glad you pushed this the results are grand.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/13/2005
yeah, but the GREAT thing is that 'film' is free, so you can shoot till your finger falls off, and all it 'costs' is your time!
Keep shooting and experimenting, Ron.
John Nobody
{K:4914} 8/13/2005
I Like this effect. Great work