Ann Texter
{K:10064} 8/15/2005
ah... I've seen that face... "If you take my picture one more time!" ha ha ha good shot though. :) She'll thank you for it, someday, way down the line. and I hear ya on asking strangers about taking their pics, but I'm getting better at it over time, still hard though. Ann
Philip D...
{K:391} 8/13/2005
Thanks Lucy
She was really mad at me. when she turned around and saw the camera pointed at her, that was the look I got.
It's funny, I have no problem annoying my family. Yet I still have trouble asking strangers if I can take there picture
Lucy R
{K:565} 8/13/2005
heheh inkow that look from my own daughter. wonderfully captured :)
Philip D...
{K:391} 8/13/2005
gracias tanto.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 8/13/2005
Excelente captura del enojo de la niņa. Encantadora!
Philip D...
{K:391} 8/13/2005
Thanks Chris.
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 8/13/2005
classic facial expression..she does not look happy. If looks could kill...watch out!!!