Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 11/23/2005
A bit dark I wondered at first Greg ..... but I don't think so it sets a mood and evokes strong emotions.
George Black
{K:102014} 8/18/2005
Uh-oh! I didn't see Cheryl's good re-work before posting my own. I used PS-CS Levels and Shadow/Highlight adjustments. --g
George Black
{K:102014} 8/18/2005
Very nice composition. The water provides some interesting dynamics. The tones are a little drab, though. Hope you don't mind my "tweaking" it a bit . . . Regards, --George
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 8/12/2005
The mood to me is a cross between eerie and wonderfully peaceful. I suppose that sounds wierd. Great combination. Mary
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 8/12/2005
The mood to me is a cross between eerie and wonderfully peaceful. I suppose that sounds wierd. Great combination. Mary
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 8/11/2005
Greg - I can send you a link to a site for the Dodge and burn hints if you want - email me cherylogle@hotmail.com (I also have a link to practice adjustment layers that really opened my eyes!).
greg collins
{K:12273} 8/11/2005
Thanks Cheryl. This is something that I'm going to have to learn and improve on - may be take a class in. Much appreciated for all the help. Regards greg
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 8/11/2005
Great shot. I think if you added an adjustment layer with gradient selected and make its blending mode to "hard light" and adjust the opacity to 50% it would really kick up the contrast on this and highlight the little details. I love this shot - the silhouette of the sign is excellent. Here's my example of what I was talking about...
Adjustment Layer |
greg collins
{K:12273} 8/11/2005
Thanks Neil - always appreaciate your comments. I had the exposure mode set at -1 1/3 perhaps to much. This was taken at Hoopers Inlet - an area I have been spending a lot of time at lately. Thanks Heaps Greg
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 8/11/2005
Hi Greg, nice and moody! I would have prefered a little more difference between the Black and white, maybe not quite so dustre! But thats just IMHO. Is this between the islands towards (the other side of) port chalmers? Anyway thanks for sharing photos of this great peninsula. Cheers to all in Godzone Neil
Francesco Francesco
{K:8101} 8/11/2005
Ciao Greg,
dramatic low key image! great shot!
mike donovan
{K:3698} 8/11/2005
You're on!
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/11/2005
Great shot Greg,awesome in b&w..but would be interested to see what it looks like in colour too.. :)
greg collins
{K:12273} 8/11/2005
Let us know if you do and we will show you around. There are several of us down here using usefilm - would be great to meet more users. Greg
mike donovan
{K:3698} 8/11/2005
Beautiful shot! Very moody! I've never got as far down as Dunedin, I'm gonna have to come down soon after looking at all your pics!
timur basol
{K:5769} 8/11/2005
good composition. very very good shot. timur.
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 8/11/2005
Nice composition Greg , well done .