John William
{K:775} 11/27/2005
Great work!!!
Thanks for your comment also....from the looks of this, I would say you know macro.
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 10/12/2005
Great minds do think alike. This is a photos of my fiancee's eye. My eyes are a muddy brown... nothing too photographic. Glad you could appreciate this image.
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 10/12/2005
A similar photo and a similar play on words - but yours came first :( Must be great minds think alike! Is it a self portrait?
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 8/18/2005
Wow, the burst of blue reminds me of those electrical balls that were present in our science classes... you put your hands on theglass on the outside and the electricity jumps towards them from inside the ball. The iris looks like it's holding a ton of energy, just ready to explode. Great motion with the eyelashes... they make a great natural frame!
Sameh Odeh
{K:4717} 8/10/2005
This is attractive Blurry image,actualy it seems very bright when i look at it with the Thumbnail, i wish it was little bit darker.. Any way v.good Blurry photo. Well done Jim .. Best Regards.....
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 8/9/2005
Incredible beauty, creative and marvalously display.