can tepebag
{K:149} 5/18/2006
thanks, but i think they are not better as much as yours..
Sebnem Ulker
{K:44} 5/18/2006
Good pictures.Guzel calısmalar.
can tepebag
{K:149} 8/9/2005
Evet sanirim patlamalar ozellikle gokyuzunde daha cok ortaya cikiyor. Yapici yorumunuz icin tesekkurler.
{K:1352} 8/9/2005
Tebrikler Can cok guzel yakalamissin Fakat biraz kontrast eksigi var fotografinin.Bu saniyorum makinenin objektifinden ve otomatik isik ölçümünden kaynaklaniyo.Böyle sonuc aldigin fotograflarda photoshop'la bunu giderebilirsin...

Burcu Avdan
{K:338} 8/9/2005
renkli ve senin de dedigin gibi fazlasıyla "color of poor" olmus tebrikler
Hasan Ozkapici
{K:551} 8/9/2005
Nice shot...Good Compositon...And tells lot's of stories...Well Done...
a. M.
{K:9020} 8/9/2005
wow...powerful shot. you picked the a great unique title for it as well. you captured the essence of what its like to be poor this picture tells a story. 7+
Luca Ferri
{K:102} 8/9/2005