Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/16/2005
Cheers Timur,my son turns 13 on Friday,i'll be putting up a birthday shot of him! :)
timur basol
{K:5769} 8/16/2005
wonderful shot Jacquie. thanks. timur
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/4/2005
Thanks Greg,slowly getting the hang of the framing! We did have fun with the experiment,he had 4 different types of material to burn,each one 3 times,took ages!Gave me a great chance to play with different settings tho! Jax :)
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/4/2005
Thanks Lexi! This shot was only made possible because of the sudden enthusiasm to do homework by your pyromaniac little brother..!! ;)
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/4/2005
Chhers Mike! Once again,thanks for the helping-hand! :)
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/4/2005
Thanks Roberto! Was quite pleased with this shot,i especially liked the different colours in the flame. Regards,Jacquie :)
greg collins
{K:12273} 8/4/2005
Framimg is good. Nice effect and fun experimenting I bet. Greg
Alex Beverstock
{K:137} 8/4/2005
Wow thats wicked Mum!!! looks a bit like an olympic torch!! Awesome!
mike donovan
{K:3698} 8/4/2005
That turned out awesome! Well done!
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 8/3/2005
Beautiful capture Jacquie! Excellent work! Best regards! Roberto.
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/3/2005
Thank you Rafi,I'm new to framing,only my 2nd attempt!Mike showed me how to do a basic frame last night,i'll keep practising! :)
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/3/2005
Ok, Jax it shall be. Excellent fire photo of your son's expriment. I'll also mention something often forgotten: the fitting of the frame to the photo. The frame you selected seems very appropriate the photo and it contents. Thank you for your very kind comment on my "Light from within 3." Best regards, Rafi