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Ponte di Veja
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Image Title:  Ponte di Veja
Favorites: 0 
 By: Giuliano Guarnieri  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Giuliano Guarnieri  Giuliano Guarnieri {Karma:36622}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model Shen Hao HZX45A-II
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Travels
Lens SK Super Angulon 90mm f8
Uploaded 7/30/2005 Film / Memory Type Efke ADOX100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1088 Shutter 1s
Favorites Aperture f/16
Critiques 22 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
Location City -  Ponte di Veja
State -  VERONA
Country - Italy   Italy
About A shot on Ponte di Veja.
Verona temperature : 38?C with 99% of humidity
Ponte di Veja (20 km north from Verona) : 28?C !!!

Made in 4x5" Efke Adox100
Back tilt to have the max focus on the stone in bottom left and the other stones (but not the path!)
No filters
Exposed to 80 asa
Developed in PMK (1:2:100) at 24?C for 11 min. agitation : very often (5 sec each 20 sec.)
again in PMK

Scanned from film (tomorrow if is less than 28?C I try to go in darkroom for print ;) )
Toned in PS with quadtones

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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
Giovanni Sinico   {K:325} 8/11/2005
ma si bascula? mi piace di più quella a colori di Paola.



Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 8/8/2005
ox = hoax :)) much better than my Italian GG


Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 8/5/2005
apologize for my english .... when I wrote ox I meant hoax ;)

Anyway if you want to try PMK and not follow the "mystic rules" you are welcome (so I don't risk on my film :))) )




Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 8/4/2005
Thanks, GG. Since T&S lenses are much more expensive than PC, I think I'll get an ordinary PC lens...


Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 8/3/2005
Ciao Ventrix,
adesso manchi solo tu nel clan dello sviluppo :)))

In effetti il cielo è sovraesposto ma non ci potevo fare niente, tutto sommato sono riuscito a contenerlo nei limiti. La zona era in ombra piena e se avessi esposto per il cielo o la boscaglia sarebbe risultato tutto molto scuro.
Si sarebbe potuto sottosviluppare ma avrei "castrato" i dettagli delle rocce (che poi erano il mio soggetto principale).
Ci sarebbe voluto un cielo azzurro ed invece c'era la solita cappa afosa....

Ci si vede alla prossima...



ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 8/3/2005
Mi fermo a guardare le tue foto, questa e' li da giorni, e mi dimentico di commentarle, e' incredibile come tu riesca a fare foto con la cinesina anche i esterno e in condizioni cosi' disagiate di territorio, complimenti, si vede che hai una passione sfrenata.

Molto interessante questa immagine, toni molto intensi e caldi. Posso? Posso davvero? Vabbe dai, lo dico, non vorrei dire una castroneria, ma il cielo sullo sfondo non e' un po' sovraesposto? Immagino che le condizioni di luce fossero alquanto problematiche.


Ho vistoil tuo sito, molto, ma molto bello.

Efisio e Marco viaggiano come dei missili con i loro sviluppi.

enrico (ventrix)


Ann Texter   {K:10064} 8/3/2005
beautiful Giuliano! the abouts are very helpful.
have a great day!


Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 8/3/2005
Hello Bryan,
I have readen "The book of Pyro" (very original name !! ;) ) of Gordon Hutching. It's the bible of PMK, they explain everything about this developer (Pyro, Metol, Kodalk ..or Metaborat Sodium).
There's something mystic around it ! :)
Following his suggestion you should shake strongly each 15 sec. (!!) and each time you should invert the tank in a different side (left hand, right hand, left hand...) and turn a little bit the tank at each invertion.
This because the water ... has a memory and it's used to move always in the same way if you don't do so.
Well, it true or is it a ox?
I don't know but I don't want to take any risk so I do what he wrote :))))

Regarding the second bath in Pyro (the exausted one used during the first development) the book suggest to do this in order to give more stain at the film (they have a very funny green-yellow colours).
Well, it true or is it a ox?
I don't know but I don't want to take any risk so I do what he wrote :))))

Someone also wrote about a long long washing beacuse also this gives more stain...
Well, it true or is it a ox?
read above :)))))

Anyway, PMK is really a good developer and can be stored for long time. There's an american complany (Fotoformulary?) that sell the kit to produce it. Remember to use googles (when you mix it the first time) and gloves! example of the "power of pyro" ...




Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 8/3/2005
Ciao Gio... era AFA !!!!!



Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 8/3/2005
Ciao Marco,
ho 30?C in CO ma dopo anche 16 minuti (oggi ne ho fatto uno da 16 minuti) la temperatura è abastanza stabile, mal che vada si alza di mezzo grado (nonostante anche l'agitazione che genera attrito " :) )
Ad ogni modo si può sempre procedere a "bagnomaria" con un contenitore nel quale aggiungi ogni tanto qualche cubetto di ghiaccio per mantenere la temperatura.
Il vero dramma non è per la pellicola, è per me che mi cuocio ! :)))




Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 8/3/2005
Hi Roger,
tilt is good but not easy to be used.You usually have to manage the focus "by eye".
There're some formulas to use but very complex.
If shifting is something that you can understand in the "real life", tilting is something that your eyes is not used to have so .... I don't know what to suggest you :)))

Anyway if need to do architecture images, shift is what you need

Bye and good luck ;)



gio4love . gio4love .   {K:14469} 8/1/2005
sembra autunnale...con quella nebbiolina!


Nour El Refai Nour El Refai   {K:12481} 8/1/2005
this is wonderful by all means, i love the composition and your technical side


Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 8/1/2005
GG, the foto is good. why do you go back to PMK for second time? but you do not fix again after this second time? What does this do? Intensify the light tones?

Roger, what 6x6 are you considering? I only ask because the PC and T&S lenses for these cameras are soooo expensive. that is why I go with the Shen Hao LF camera. I purchased the camera and 4 lenses (90, 135, 210, 300), 4 lens boards, 4 cable release, and one QuickLoad film holder for the same price as ONE lense for my Rollei. Absolutely crazy!



Morc Piantedos Morc Piantedos   {K:21834} 8/1/2005
..deliziosa dal punto di vista compositivo. se non vedo corbellerie sei riuscito a mettere a fuoco sia la a pietra in primo piano che quelle in fondo sulla destra. lo sfocato sul fondo a destra da proprio quel senso di vertigine da strapiombo.
dom tecnica: come riesci a tenere stabile la temp a 24? di questo periodo ? 11 minuti non sono poi pochi e la costante di tempo termica sebbene bassa rispetto ad altre grandezze fisiche in 11 minuti ti può variare quantomento di +4 gradi se la temp ambiente è sui 30?...


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 8/1/2005
Ha, ha! "Alternative process?" yes, I like that. I think I know how the salmon feel, swimming upriver against the digital flow...

I am about to purchase a 6 x 6 SLR, and was intending to get a PC (perspective correcting) lens, but now I wonder if I should get a full "shift and tilt" lens... Normally, PC is enough, but the extra flexibility of the tilt function might be useful. What do you think?


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 7/31/2005
Beautiful B&W Giuliano! I like the composition and the soft feeling i get, even though it?s rocks!!!




Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 7/31/2005
Niente affatto male , anzi!
Ci vedo due labbra :0
mandami l'originale in 800x ....ho un'idea




B B B B   {K:30983} 7/31/2005
Ciao Giuliano,
è proprio vero che il tempo passa...quasi un anno da questo mio scatto!
Non c'è che dire i miei occhi vedono molto diversamente dai tuoi;-)) Mi sarebbe piaciuto vedere con i tuoi....avrei fatto decisamente uno scatto migliore;-)))

Paola LL


Ponte di Veja

Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 7/31/2005
Thanks Roger for your appreciations.
I hope someone will use these "abouts" :)
Many and many people are forgetting the pleasure to use silver gelatine to produce photos.
Sometime I don't know if the right category for these photo is "Alternative process" :)))))))))

Anyway, the folding camera is really a nice "toy" (ooh yes, I could categorize the photos in "Toy camera" :)) )
I'm still experimenting what I can do with it. It's a completely (and primitive) different way to compose the image, tilt and shift gives an different point of view (also not human sometimes!)

Thanks again




Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 7/31/2005
beautiful texture ans nice compsotion.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 7/30/2005
Thank you for the "about." The back tilt worked beautifully to give the effect you wanted...




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