Fadel J
{K:13974} 2/19/2006
What a beauty, sharpness, details, colors Ned!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 2/3/2006
a joy to look your very creative portafolio. simply gorgeous. 7
Alper Tecer
{K:7007} 8/28/2005
Well catched, nice colors, light and presentation. Regards.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 8/13/2005
Superb macro photograph Ned and the dof is excellent.
The detail is just incredible !
Best wishes, Steve
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 8/8/2005
Graceful, beautiful and just plain perfect Ned! Love it!
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 7/27/2005
Perfect capture (again!) Such a graceful and beautiful position, wonderful image Ned!!!
Joanna Ohmori
{K:547} 7/27/2005
Thank you, Ned, for your kind response. The unprocessed picture is still pretty sharp. Joanna
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 7/27/2005
Very beautiful capture Ned...excellent dof and a lovely composition...love the details and for some reason these dragonfly's seem so feminine...very well captured and lots of information here to learn from too...nice..we never see them here on the island so it's great to see them through your eyes or should I say camera...very well seen and captured...:):)Linda
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 7/27/2005
This is lovely. Wonderful colors. Great focus. Definitely an interesting dragonfly photo. Susie
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 7/26/2005
Excellent capture Ned, I really like the sharp details, the way the dragonfly lower its wings is like if it is protecting it self, very well seen and captured :) Cheers,
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 7/26/2005
Sorry Joanna ,, forgot to attach the image :) Here you are:

Ned Ali
{K:11928} 7/26/2005
Thank you very much Carolyn :) Regards, ned
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 7/26/2005
Thank you Arthur :) Yes .. I was attaching 32mm or longer extension tube(s). And with those extension tubes at 300mm focal length you can get 1:1 magnification ration at a very good working distance (more than 200mm as far as i remember). On top of that you can get closer and have a higher magnification ratio.
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 7/26/2005
Hi Joanna, Thank you for your lovely comment :) About the Tamron lens, it's a nice lens and produces very good sharpness. I sharpened this image on PS. Below is the original shot straight out of the camera without any sharpening. I'm quite pleased with this lens. It has produced soft photos though .. but that could be a result of camera shake or at focal lengths below 200mm as above that and with reasonably fast shutter speeds the results have been excellent. I've not used other similar lenses to compare it with .. however i can tell you that it isn't as sharp as the Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens.
I can send you some original full size photos if you like.
Best wishes, ned
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 7/26/2005
ufff ... parfait!!!
Joanna Ohmori
{K:547} 7/26/2005
Stunning pose. She looks like a ballerina making her final curtain call. The background is delightful too. I am amazed that a lens with this much zoom factor can take such a sharp image. I have been looking for a good walk around lens. I will have to check this one out. Is it usually this sharp?
Arthur Kornienko
{K:9686} 7/26/2005
Very nice shot Ned. Sharp and excellent colours, contrast and lighting. I didn't know you could get that close with that lens. Were you using extension tubes? Great shot.
carla slaviero
{K:4824} 7/26/2005
nice composition and colors. Wonderful picture! Carla
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 7/26/2005
I find a lot of dragonfly photos on this site, but I find this one exceptional.
Love the slight uncomfortable pose, ready to take flight and the detail is amazing. The dof you chose isolates it from the back ground effectively. The bokeh is beautiful!
Nicely done!
mike donovan
{K:3698} 7/26/2005
What an excellent, beautiful, well taken photo!
Beverly Edge
{K:654} 7/26/2005
The detail in this shot is amazing, really stunning photo.
well done!