Sylvia Jones
{K:652} 4/16/2001
An intersting subject, however I agree that the cropping was too severe top and bottom. I would also crop a little on the left hand side of the image to balance the subjects and would tone down the top of the girls hat which distracts a bit - otherwise well seen. Good choice of cameras - I really like Contax myself and those super Zeiss lenses.
Rita M. Cleary
{K:195} 4/14/2001
Really nice shot! Great to get the little girl standing there watching him. Too bad about that lamppost behind.
Christopher Chen
{K:21} 4/13/2001
Nanette: Thanks for your comment. I agree w/your aesthetic statement (which is why I'm not satisfied w/the composition). I significantly cropped the picture to eliminate a park bench to the right of the painter, but in keeping to a 2:3 ratio, I took too much off the top (there was no room to crop from the bottom).
Christopher Chen
{K:21} 4/12/2001
Artie: Thanks for the comment. I guess I have to accept the fact that you don't get to re-shoot real life. Now that you mention it, I think I'll move the image to the "Journalism" category.
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 4/12/2001
you captured it Chris and it works. It speaks. Look at the impatience of the child tapping her right foot and folded arms waiting for the painter to finish so she can undoubtedly gice her critique. Yes we can if an image all we want but I think you nailed a very cool moment here and this fits journalism to the "T" well done.