Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/24/2005
Fabuolous colour and a fine composition, Tim. Best regards, Chris
John Bohner
{K:8368} 7/24/2005
Tim - I love Medicine Lake. Okay, I love the whole area. I thought of going down on the flats but I was alone and did not want to get trapped by the mud. given its strange hydrology, I would have thought the natives would call it Bad Medicine Lake. Great image from a land where its easy to shoot the cliche shot. Cheers JB
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 7/24/2005
Great lighting and fantastic colours, Tim! Dave.
Bob Walker
{K:1066} 7/24/2005
Tim, This is another one that keeps catching my eye. I really admire your ability to capture such extremes in contrast, along with such stunning color richness. Wonderful feast for the eyes! Bob
Gabriel Fuentes
{K:6565} 7/23/2005
Another magnificent panoramic view Tim! Powerful diagonal with that river perfectly outlined in shadow running through... Like the silhouette of the mountains with a perfect sky as backdrop ... and dramatic sunset (or sunrise?) colors .. Good show! ..Gab
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 7/23/2005
Hi Angelo, if the photo didn't lean in that direction a little bit then the water couldn't go down stream.....so i am giving it a bit of a boost....ha-ha
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 7/23/2005
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/23/2005
this color is amazing, Tim; like the strong contrast between it and these dark mountains in the background; well presented, good composition regards Lukasz
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 7/23/2005
A fine landscape, Tim. Nice colours and beautiful silhouette of the mountain. I think it's an optical illusion but the horizon seems to be leaning a bit.
I'll repeat that the colours are beautiful and the light has the grasses on fire!
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 7/23/2005
thank you Miguel it looks better!
Miguel Martinez
{K:5507} 7/23/2005
Tim, Esta imagen, si bien es sencilla, tiene profundidad, las siluetas de las montañas dan otro interés y lo más importante es esa luz de última hora de la tarde, que da un naranja particular y que juega con las primeras sombras de la noche que se acerca. Lo que creo que mejoraría la foto es corregir esa leve inclinación que tiene hacia la derecha. Yo hice un intento. Miguel, desde Buenos Aires

Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 7/23/2005
a very fleeting moment lasting only minutes...and very exciting when I realized what was happening
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 7/23/2005
The sunrays have fallen on the grass in such a way that it looks like a field of gold. Super shot.