Cristina D
{K:8080} 10/14/2005
Buna Ina, sunt atat de bucuroasa in primul rand ca esti romanca ca si mine si faci parte din marea familie de pe usefilm; Ma simt magulita de comentariul tau si sunt foarte bucuroasa ca mi-ai raspuns atat de repede.Eu sunt de pe langa Pitesti si locuiesc inca Romania :) Multumesc pentru comentariu, astept si criticile,am de invatat multe, eu abia anul trecut am inceput sa fotografiez si tot atunci mi-am cumparat primul meu aparat digital un canon A300.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 10/13/2005
Superb double portrait of these girls, exceptional quality and perspective, a great image!7/7 Ina Buna Cristina, si multumesc pt. comentariu. Sunt din Bucuresti, si locuiesc de multi ani in Canada. Imi plac pozele tale de autoportret si imaginile alb-negru cu iarna si in special cea cu Bucurestiul noaptea.
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 10/1/2005
Great angle shot Cristina !! Very nice portrait and background composition; good work.
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 9/30/2005
I like the composition and implied story between the two girls very much.
{K:1921} 7/24/2005
beautiful shot... i like the perspective... the kid in the first plan and other in second with the soft focus ... i think you live in a very beautiful country, with a lot of greats landscapes... i dont know Romania, but i have a dream to know Bucharest... maybe next time... cheers Vini
Jorge Jacinto
{K:4372} 7/21/2005
Excellent Five stars !
Cristina D
{K:8080} 7/20/2005
it looks good B&W too :) I have a try here
alexander raditya pratistha
{K:917} 7/20/2005
Nice composition...it would be better if you convert it in black and white
Mark Drago
{K:10902} 7/19/2005
excellent Cristina! wonderful composition, expression-- and dof. one of your best.
{K:8499} 7/19/2005
Fantastic composition and warm colour tone. This speaks volumes on an emotional level.
Cristina D
{K:8080} 7/19/2005
I have few with the same perspective if I can say; first I tried it with me :)) but because of the sun my face doesn`t look too good, anyway I attch u here to see one of my first tries like the previous one :p To mine had to work on psp too more but didn`t have time :(
Vasile Florin
{K:3003} 7/19/2005
Beautiful! Great clarity too.
.. ...
{K:-195} 7/19/2005
Your perspective here is great.
pan g.
{K:16899} 7/19/2005
Hey Cristina, that's a wonderful portrait and i find it very good to include information about the girl's surrounding. Very well !!!
Merwyn Kanjes
{K:4227} 7/19/2005
Very nice composition, perfect. Great lighting and contrast colour.
Cristina D
{K:8080} 7/19/2005
Thank you my dear friend, don`t forget to bring the photos :), I don`t want to tease you but I`m really expecting ur new photos!
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 7/19/2005
Beautiful Cris!!!
Great job.
a a
{K:853} 7/19/2005
Very well done Cristina, I like the late afternoon colours but I think that the perspective works best here. You composed this one perfectly. Thanks for sharing, Amer