Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 4/14/2008
Many thanks for commenting,A fairy could add a great touch here
Best regards
Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 4/13/2008
did you find her? :)
be cute to add a little Fairy if you kind find the right image to transpose into the photo.
Elena Tunik
{K:552} 9/21/2006
Very nice composition. The colors seems not natural, but it's interesting anyway.
Happy new year. Best regards.
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 12/2/2005
I normally don't like infared shots but this combined effort is great. You have lots of interesting shots in your portfolio. I will visit again.
Nancy B Brannaman
{K:445} 11/5/2005
What a fun photo, Zeev. Very imaginative to combine 2 different photos of the same location. Nice digital darkroom technique.
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 10/28/2005
Great work...
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/8/2005
Lorenzo Parisi
{K:6277} 9/16/2005
Excellent effort! Great idea and superb result. Best congrats. Lorenzo
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 9/15/2005
Gracias por comentar Carlos,naci en Chile pero vivo en Israel ya muchos años Saludos
Carlos Gutierrez
{K:1805} 9/15/2005
Oye, tus fotos parecen cuadros de cuentos de adas, realmente guapas guapas, de donde eres?
ivan ivanovic-hagen
{K:404} 8/26/2005
great !
José M F Coutinho
{K:220} 8/22/2005
Maravilha de Imagem!
Excelente trabalho!!!
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 8/17/2005
My goodness, this is breathtaking, 10.
{K:26787} 8/16/2005
Very beautiful & dreamy landscape; nicely composed!
Myles King
{K:791} 8/7/2005
beautiful picture, dream like myles thanks for you comments :)
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 8/6/2005
When I think of Israel, I picture in my mind desert and sand and miles of openness. But not all is desert. It's beautifully done, like a preview into the new heaven and earth to come. I've often combined two exposures into the same photograph, which is a great advantage of digital. I also see that you included (in the upper left hand corner) a dark flying object...symbolic of something?
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 8/5/2005
Really clever effect. I am inspired! Very much like a fairytale. Antonia
Debby Biri
{K:4775} 8/3/2005
Zeev - I think the combination makes this sunny scene look mysterious. Good work.
Maryam Ashoori
{K:2186} 8/2/2005
Great and fabulous same as ever! I really like all your works zeev.
Ciprian Ilie
{K:13571} 7/31/2005
Beautiful. Very good work Zeev!
Regards, Ciprian
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 7/28/2005
Oh, soooo cool! Very nice pp on this too. The colors are magical here.
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 7/26/2005
Me encanta el trabajo que haces con los filtros, la tonalidad es sensacional, casi irreal me encantó!!!!!! 7++++
Ferran Lacruz
{K:5466} 7/26/2005
Que imagen tan interesante colorido magico subrealista lleno de fuerza. Preciosa fotografia me ha gustado mucho. Saludos Ferran
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 7/26/2005
Your IRs are so beautiful, almost to beautiful for words, the colors and tones are amazing, wonderful.....
Guy Dube
{K:6932} 7/26/2005
A very impressive picture Zeev, I like it very much. A lot of work in that photography Zeev. Best regards Guy
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 7/25/2005
Zeev, I love the pink foliage but I think the splotchy green looks strange in the sky. I prefer your "straight" IR pictures which although unusual are somehow more convincing as images. Thanks for your enthusiastic comments! Much appreciated.
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 7/25/2005
Zeev, this one is really out of this world, I like the way you mixed the two pictures together, it came out just wonderful, very well done, cheers,
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 7/25/2005
Excellent ps work Zeev... creative and good results. Khaled.
xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx
{K:10405} 7/25/2005
take me to this magic place, let me dream that this world will be without attacks...such a wonderful place and warm colours.....
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 7/25/2005
The shadows and colours are wonderful. It looks like a wonderful, happy dream. Mary
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 7/23/2005
Nice work!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 7/23/2005
marvelous tones. great composition. 7
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 7/23/2005
Another fantastic landscape.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 7/22/2005
Amazing work Zeev, love the colours :-)
Best wishes, Steve
greg collins
{K:12273} 7/22/2005
Fitting title - looks like a fairy land. Those trees are awesome with the use of IR. Nice one. Greg
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 7/22/2005
This is really art work, a paradise look, you are really becoming a master in using IR and combination works, splendid job worth recognition. Saeed
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 7/22/2005
Wow, fantastic! I am in Wonderland! Greatly composed and processed, Zeev. Well done, my friend!
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 7/21/2005
very good work,well executed,nice idea to combine them. best wishes
Len Wager
{K:357} 7/21/2005
Excellent composition Zeev.Great use of filters and colour.Well Done. Regards Len.
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 7/21/2005
Un trabajo muy lindo
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 7/21/2005
Wowwwwww what a dreamy picture Zeef. I like this one very much! Full 7
My regards Riny
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 7/21/2005
the Paradise
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/21/2005
exceellent work zeev.. so much beautiful one! you are a genius.. my best wishes roby
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 7/21/2005
Zeev.. this is absolutely superb... i can only say that.. very dreamy...incredible... congrats!!
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 7/20/2005
This photo went to my favorutes, Zeev. I always knew that Zichron was a lovely place. Have you been to Beit Daniel? Thank you for your kind comment on my "Pretty waitress." Shalom, Rafi
Warren B
{K:7272} 7/20/2005
There's already been a lot of well deserved praise given to this shot, so I will simply say
...and leave it at that. Applause.
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 7/20/2005
Zeev,this image is so surreal,absolutely beautiful! Your entire portfolio is amazing,hard to comment on all,every one is awesome! Regards :)
cessy karina
{K:14205} 7/20/2005
wowww !!! fairy land ! wonderful Zeev so beautiful
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 7/19/2005
Mi queridísimo Zeev, preciosa imagen y muy maravillosa tierra de fantasía. Me gusta el efecto del filtro cokin IR, especialmente en los árboles. Los colores y la composición son festivos...un fuertísimo abrazo mi gran amigo...:):)Linda
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 7/19/2005
Jeez man .. what a colourful work you made here .. it's indeed a special kind of technique, i did not manage to get succesful work with it .. yours is surely an inspiration ! so into my favorites ! PEter
Colin Cartwright
{K:15699} 7/19/2005
You've done a skilful job of combining these two filtered images, Zeev. The 'candy floss' trees, remind me of a child's world of animation. But the foreground is solidly anchoured in reality.
The IR effect an imaginative touch.
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/19/2005
hi Zeev, Wonderful colors. A very beautiful scene... rich colors and realy joyful.
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 7/19/2005
Tremenda combinación de efectos, Zeev - parece un paisaje en otro planeta! :) También dá la impresión de una ilustración en un libro de cuentos para niños!
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 7/19/2005
How creative is this Zeev!!!!! What a brilliant composition My friend! the ciolors are extraordinary!!!! Your vision is incredible Zeev!!!!This is like a fairytale!!!! I would like to take a walk through this path!!!! OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!7 +++++++++ My best...............John
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 7/19/2005
Very beautiful fairyland. I like the result.
mike donovan
{K:3698} 7/19/2005
Amazing work Zeev!Beautiful
julie hugill
{K:6730} 7/19/2005
Very beautiful picture so fairytale like love it !! Cheers Julie
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 7/19/2005
Many thanks dear Heifetz for nice comment ,I am happy you liked this one Best regards
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 7/19/2005
this shot is so magical looking. It's gorgeous. It has an "alice in wonderland" type of feeling. beautiful.
Asim Roy
{K:10051} 7/19/2005
It's my dream Zeev, excellent landscape, never seen before, lovely work, love, asim
Kessia & Morgan UVA
{K:7265} 7/19/2005
great color combination, excellent idea! very fanciful scene...i like it! Kessia
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/19/2005
Extraordinario, parece un paisaje de cuentos de hadas....Impresionante esto del infrarojo! Felicitaciones!
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 7/18/2005
I LOVE IT Zeev, This is so delightful, I really like these colors, Lori ;)
Marie Johnston
{K:1635} 7/18/2005
Ecellent composition Zeev... The colours are wonderful looks like something from a fairytale book... Marie
{K:11924} 7/18/2005
Wow, the colors are beautiful Zeev. I really like what you've done to this photo. It has a nice fantasy feel to it, excellent work!
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 7/18/2005
Beautiful, I feel as if I am in a fantasy land. Wonderful composition and the colors are amazing. Alison
Rosario Esposito
{K:9796} 7/18/2005
Eccezionale sembra un dipinto.Bravo -Rosario-
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 7/18/2005
Preciosa, colores de magia y de ensueño. My bien lograda, Zeev, recorde una pelicula "What dreams may come", con Robin William, que tiene lindos tonos como en esta foto.. :)
{K:6612} 7/18/2005
Very intresting photo. I like it, the colours are beautiful and the composition is OK. Great shot, well done. Congratulations. Ferdinand
{K:693} 7/18/2005
That's freakin' sweet, haha, reminds me of the game Secret of Mana for Super Nintendo. One of the villages looks like that! =)
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 7/18/2005
You could probably find a fairy there. Excellent composition and image. I like it.
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 7/18/2005
Hiciste muy buen trabajo aquí Zeev... Excelente composición... Me encantan como se ven los árboles y el cielo... Muy buena la combinación con los colores...
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 7/18/2005
wow a DREAM!
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 7/18/2005
This looks more like a painting than a photograph, Zeev! I'm just learning PS, so I don't know how you did this, but I like it! Kathy
I g n a c i o D e L a F u e n t e
{K:10518} 7/18/2005
Verdaderamente fantástica. Parece sacada de una película de fantasía, o algo así
George Black
{K:102014} 7/18/2005
Dreamy and very beautiful. This is a lovely poetic image. Well done! Best regards, --George
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 7/18/2005
An amazing image you've produced, Zeev! The mix of colour and IR is really outstanding! Dave.
{K:30945} 7/18/2005
wonderful. love it daer Zeev! B:l:ana
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 7/18/2005
Hi Zeev,
oh wow, this is it! what a perfect combo shot. You probably know my experiments, but this is really a fairy tale. nice work!
How did you combine the two images in detail?
best wishes my friend, Thilo
Ann Van Breemen
{K:13399} 7/18/2005
Wow! This is really cool. Reminds me of a scene out of a animated Disney movie. Really well done. Cheers, Ann.
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 7/18/2005
Im expecting Munchkins and a little girl with red shoes... very Wizard of Oz to me :) Great effect Zeev
Luís Lobo Henriques
{K:9002} 7/18/2005
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 7/18/2005
Lovely fantasy garden, really like the colours and the result. I think I may have tried to dampen the change from blue to white in the clouds detracts the eye a little away from the rest of the great composition see what you think - I just had a quick play Margaret

Marilyn Nagy
{K:6008} 7/18/2005
Zeev, I like the 2 together. Really different idea and well composed. I think the fairy is in the trees. hehe Marilyn
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 7/18/2005
Its interesting for sure! I dont like the burned out white parts among the trees though which takes away some beuty. I like your experiment here.. Keep on working my friend! =)
Patrick J
{K:42404} 7/18/2005
bellísima, creo que voy a encargar un IR filter a USA pues tengo varios amigos allí que vienen seguido. sabes cual es el valor aproximado de uno??
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 7/18/2005
Beautiful...as if it is from another world. Nice work
Marian Man
{K:80636} 7/18/2005
a great IR shot dear Zeev!!!!! the colors are so perfect!!!!!! in all a superb image!!!! bravo!!! my very best regards Marian
{K:4764} 7/18/2005
İnteresting work. Congrats.
Heifetz Zhou
{K:1835} 7/18/2005
Great combination,perfect colour,congrats,my dear friend!!!
{K:15913} 7/18/2005
Very nice work Zeev! Congratulations!
Francesco Francesco
{K:8101} 7/18/2005
I like it very much! Great use if polarizer and IR filter!
Ciao Francesco
Ayse Altan
{K:3905} 7/18/2005
Interesting image. I really liked it Zeev. Ayse