Jason Reid
{K:72} 5/16/2010
Can't remember that being C Ward, more like the Admin block near the front entrance (Red Brick Building)
{K:3153} 3/6/2006
v good
Nathaly Sarria
{K:270} 8/2/2005
wow!!!! es precisamente el tipo de fotografia que em gusta, es un delirio ver estas fotos, aliemento para la mente, el alma y en general todo, no no no definitivamente, me encantan todas estas fotos que son como de la misma coleccion que esta, felicitaciones, y mis sincera admiracion.
{K:223} 7/27/2005
amazing lighting
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 7/14/2005
excellent series ! those stairs gives me the creeps..well done !
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 7/14/2005
Hi Susie
Thanks for your comments.
No I have never worked here. Tokanui is about an hour south of where I live. I have travelled past it numerous times. I always wanted to get in there and photograph and then one day got A into G jumped the fence and the rest is history.
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 7/14/2005
Hi Mark, I too love this series. It is dark and scary and reaches down deep. I like the tilt of this photo. Since it's a psychiatric hospital it adds to the mood. Maybe that's how some of these folks see this...a little off balance. Nice job...did you work there? Susie
Christian Muller
{K:105} 7/13/2005
The whole Tokanui series is impressing and reflects to me the heavy and depressing atmosphere which fills obviously this place. I am just a bit puzzled because it seems that a softening filter has been applied at least to some of the pictures. The softness is somehow in a contradiction with the place, while harsh lines and contrasts would fit better with the subject. But anyway, I love that series and it's a pity that appparently you can't continue shooting photos there anymore.
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 7/13/2005
The lighting is super in this image, if not a bit scary - K