Ah, I see. You're absolutely right, the version you posted does look much better. Thanks for the detailed reply. Much appreciated! I think I learned something this time!
hi Roger, I took this shot in April, and have looked at it occasionally since, wondering what, if anything, to do with it-- only because it appealed to me. I liked the arrangement of the poles. but the shot was too bland. The poles and the background did not make a strong shot. I tried various things, but finally thought of a way to bring them (the poles) out. I'm no artist--please. but I have an artist's sensibility, I like to think. thus endeth this lesson. original below.
Ummm, why post the negative, Mark? Does it look better this way? I am tempted to dowload it and see what the positive looks like but I'm too lazy. But then again perhaps this ISN'T a negative (there's not much colour of any kind in the treeline), and this is some kind of insider joke?