Raffaello S.
{K:605} 7/30/2008
Grazie! Si é una serranda :)
giuseppe colucci
{K:1355} 7/30/2008
Hai un bel modo di dare vita anche a cose apparentemente astratte... complimenti!! (cos'e' una serranda??)
Marian Man
{K:80636} 7/4/2005
hi there Raffaello!!!! I like this one a lot!!!!! fine angle!!!! a very nice abstract shot!!!!!! best regards Marian
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 7/4/2005
good job maybe the composition must be more details.
Raffaello S.
{K:605} 7/4/2005
Thanks!!.. Grazie p.s. non e' un palazzo... vediamo se indovinate...
Silvia Festa
{K:6008} 7/4/2005
forse č un palazzo... forse..... bella composizione, psichedelica, mi piace!
Michael van Beek
{K:545} 7/4/2005
I think in colour this picture would give away it's subject, so the B&W works VERY well here!
Very nice!
Kind regards,
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 7/4/2005