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Aqua Phobia Hero
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Image Title:  Aqua Phobia Hero
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 By: Ameed El-Ghoul  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Ameed El-Ghoul  Ameed El-Ghoul {Karma:42215}
Project #24 The Decisive Moment Camera Model Canon EOS 20D
Categories Journalism
Film Format
Portfolio Others
Lens Canon  18-55mm EFS f/3.5-5.6
Uploaded 7/2/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 596 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 24 Rating Critique Only Image
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Country - Canada   Canada
About It was my first time to see someone with a phobia; it is totally different when this person you know from sometime, but never knew he had a water phobia.

We were on a fishing trip, when we decided to swim a little in spite of the very cold water, he was so hesitated to jump in, even with a life jacket. Finally he decided to jump, to face his fear.

When he jumped, we all were surrounding him, he didn?t let go of the boat, couldn?t look down. Tried to convince him to swim a little far from the boat, he couldn?t let go of the boat, he fears the deep water, specially when it is black and dark, the water was 62 feet deep, can?t see anything beneath 3 feet.

Today I witnessed a hero facing his worst fear, I?ve wonder if I had an aqua phobia, could I be as brave as him?!! A question I don?t have an answer to. He did it. Partially yes, but he did.

Here you go, a picture of a person facing his worst fear.
Kind regards,
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There are 24 Comments in 1 Pages
Saqib Zulfiqar   {K:2745} 7/7/2005
You defanitely caught his phobia expressions alright. particularly like the one you posted in the comments, that says it all. :-)


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/7/2005
Thanks Steve for your kind comments.
Actually he still fears water. I customized a wall paper from this picture and E-mailed to him, and he said every time he looks at it it frighten him allot :)
Hopefully soon he will get over it,
Thanks once again,


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 7/7/2005
Excellent moment Ameed, how difficult this must have been for him and how very brave to face his fear.

You have captured the moment perfectly, it is easy to see his fear. I hope he feels a lot better about water now.

Best wishes,


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/5/2005
I knew it that someone gunna pick up on me waring a life Jacket lol :)
Well .. the reason of that is, We were swimming in a river, it is very hard to swim in it, it is not like swimming in a salty water. I didn't take any chances of him panicking and grabbing me from the nick to the bottom :)
This is why dear .. lol
Thanks for your kind comment,


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 7/5/2005
Very intresting story Ameed and good presentation of the scenario... :0)
Nice to see you having fun in the water (though you're wearing a life jacket.. lol)
Great PS work my friend,


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/4/2005
Thanks Stue fory our kind comment,
Misisng your posts, Cheers,


S.D Holmes S.D Holmes   {K:7156} 7/4/2005
And he has the photos to prove it!! bet he's happy to have friends like you! great work!!!


Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 7/4/2005
Very beautiful collage that it tells with the images your story very well.
My compliment Ameed, good work.


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/4/2005
Thanks Engy for your kind comment,
Don't worry about the friendliest, I know of course about the limitation. Friends for sure and the pleasure is all mine,


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/4/2005
LoL .. I gave him no choice Enas, lol photojournalism :) Actually, I sent him this picture as a wall paper, and i just met him, he said every time he look at the picture, he gets frightened,


Engy Farahat Engy Farahat   {K:11591} 7/4/2005
Interesting story Ameed. like the sequence.
and great capture.. He's so brave!!
thanks Ameed for adding me in your friends list.
I wish I do the same but you know.. I have only 3 people in each of the two lists: friends & associations. but of course you're my friend. :)



Enas Moussa   {K:7470} 7/4/2005
nice story Ameed.. i wonder how did he let u take those pictures without killing u!!
howa kan na2es y3ny yetsawar kaman!!!


Merete Westerdahl   {K:11079} 7/2/2005
Great collage of a wonderfull moment... to face the fear!



Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/2/2005
Already done :)
Sent him a wallpaper of this picture with a higher resolution of course :)


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/2/2005
Hehehe, yeah I was enjoying it allot, I didn't act seriously, just tried to give him the feeling it is fun and he can do it .. hopefully next fishing trip we will be able to do it and make him swim :)
We got couple of water skies, we will see then ..
Thanks dear for your kind comment,


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/2/2005
You know what Thilo, up till the moment he jumped in the water, I didn't know it exist to, I only knew that from another friend with us whom whispered the words in my ears in water, it was really strange to witness one ..


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/2/2005
Thanks Inji for your kind words, I will deliver your congratulats to hid, Regards :)


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 7/2/2005
Very nice sequence, Ameed. I bet he'd love to have a copy of this.

Thanks for your excellent comment.


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/2/2005
I agree with him. I cannot face the deep either. He was very brave and I am proud of his accomplishments.

Great montage of photos Ameed. It does look like you had lots of fun though.



Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 7/2/2005
Hi Ameed,

oh wow, really love that idea. what a tribute to a real hero. Didn't know up to now that water phobia exists.

Technically, a nice set of scenes.

best wishes,


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 7/2/2005
Indeed a very brave thing to do and I am sure he appreciates the support of his friends


Inji Amer Inji Amer   {K:22997} 7/2/2005
An interesting pictured story dear Ameed !!
congratulations to the brave man for facing
his fears & for you for capturing such great
moments !!

Inji Amer


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/2/2005
Here is another picture for him when he got on the boat, he couldn't move for a while, till he got hold of himself.

The quality is much better than whats in here, all the pictures were shot in RAW mood, but i think it is the resizing in UF.


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 7/2/2005
Excellent captur Ameed , nice collections specially the right one , Best Wishes .





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