What I did when I joined was to comment on ALL the photos that I really liked. Go into that person's portfolio and comment on several. Those who in turn comment on your own work, makes them a 'friend'.
I'll make you a friend now, and when I click on 'my friends' you and all the other's that I chose for friends....your images will come up.
So, basically, spend some time on the site, and start out leaving lots of comments.
Thank Lori, There is a bit of story here. I was shooting a water drop and out of nowhere this fly showed up. Of corse it is coincidence. Why I don't have more of this luck? That is a magic of photography perhaps: mixture of vision and luck. So, I'll be waiting for more... BTW Lori, I have a question for you. How can I get more exposure fore my photos. It seems to me that not so many are looking at them. Yes, I understand maybe these pictures are not much to look at, but I've seen some photos without soul with hundreds of views. Can you give me a tip, please. Thanks. Gary.