Mahamed Ariffin
{K:7114} 7/1/2005
Thank you for your advice, Jeroen; I'll be careful
Jeroen Wenting
{K:25317} 6/30/2005
When buying guppies beware that they can be prone to certain diseases which can quickly kill an entire colony, and also that (in some countries) they're often injected with coloured die or ink to produce different (abnormal) colour variations (which is in most countries illegal and is both painful to the fish and poisonous).
If you intend to buy more, best buy a second smaller acquarium to use as a quarantine station. Keep the new fish in there for 2-3 weeks after purchase and only transfer them to the main acquarium if none of them get ill (if some do extend the period to several weeks after the last sick fish is either cured or dies).
I used to have quite a feq acquariums myself, lost more than a few fish to diseased purchases until I figured that one out.
Mahamed Ariffin
{K:7114} 6/30/2005
Really? These fish comes in sooo many colours. I hope to buy several more and produce more guppy photos! Thanks, Jeroen.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 6/29/2005
Mahamed, what great colors on this little guy, you have captured him beautifully. Alison
Jeroen Wenting
{K:25317} 6/28/2005
I do know the species (it's a guppy) but I've never seen one in those colours.