Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 8/16/2005
Thanks for your comments Carsten - I noticed we have some similar looking work !
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 8/15/2005
Very good B&W conversion, I guess it was with polarizer, the vignette is nice here. Composition works for me. The WIDE perspective is just after my fancy. Nice one !
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 8/11/2005
Thanks for the detailed comments Carlos and welcome back !
{K:12969} 8/10/2005
Very well balanced B&W Wayne! The tones just right and the esthetic choices here also work very well. The balanced symmetry, the parallel alignment of the central cloud formation and the division of water / sand below, take the eye down for a ride into the end of the image. Another detail that endears me to your ?on the beach - winter solstice? is the presence of an individual ? unusual in your mostly empty, lonely landscapes.
Good work my dear friend.
Raoul Endres
{K:2676} 7/1/2005
Like the movement with the clouds - helps that you've got that nice fall off with the lens.
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 6/28/2005
this initself is beautiful today when i see it, i can say yes, it is good work.indeed.
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 6/28/2005
The lines and the composition sure work for me. Amazing that there can be an uncrowded beach anywhere in the world.
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 6/27/2005
Wow, beautiful perspective, excellent bw, congrats! Dino
Warren B
{K:7272} 6/27/2005
Good shot indeed, I like the way the lines of the beach and the water seem to pull the eye into the shot. B&W was a good choice for this, and the positioning of the figure balances it all nicely. Impressive.
Ron Browne
{K:1282} 6/27/2005
Wayne, Looks quite deliberate, and effective. Love the clouds. Nicely done.
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 6/27/2005
Yeah, middle of winter here, still a few people still seem to be drawn to the beach !
Better clouds in winter.
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 6/27/2005
Thanks for your comments Sanjeev.
The choice of viewpoint and the division of the image into quadrants was quite deliberate - guess it didn't work for you !
Sebastian Zachariah
{K:3382} 6/27/2005
hey, great shot.. it is fabulous in bw
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 6/27/2005
australia must be a beautiul place as i have seen many photographers creating beauty on frames and in this u also did good work a dicelike view appears as if i am veiwing earth through spaceship. but this division between in the frame is not much appealing as if shoot from little left of the middle or little right of the middle would have created a excellent image try it sometimes.
Gabrielle Willson
{K:7978} 6/27/2005
Oh you poor soothern hemisphere people are in the clutch of winter arent you. Hot n humid in the South here in USA. Love this beach landscape seems to go on for miles.