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Beyond the rainbow
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Image Title:  Beyond the rainbow
Favorites: 3 
 By: Judi Liosatos  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Judi Liosatos  Judi Liosatos {Karma:34047}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Sony DSC F828
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Sunsets/Sunrises
Poetry In Images
Lens Carl Zeiss
Uploaded 6/27/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 787 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 54 Rating
/ 22 Ratings
Location City -  Central Queensland
Country - Australia   Australia

Beyond the rainbow you can see,
beauty and treasure for you and me.

There is seven colours, each is a world,
red is full of cruelty, yellow is pure gold.

Pink is grace, green is peace.
Purple is dark, orange is orange at least.

Blue is just the same, always missing out.
Never going to parties, never showing up.

Red is the oldest of the rainbow.
Blue is the youngest, no wonder it has no world.

Photography and words by Kita Liosatos (8 years old).

NOTE - A few of you have asked for Kita to get her own portfolio. Unfortunately the rules of the site are that you have to be over 13 to have your own portfolio. So with that in mind, Kita needs to wait anoterh five years before she can have her own. In the meantime I will upload her images on occasions.....Judi
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There are 54 Comments in 1 Pages
Nour El Refai Nour El Refai   {K:12481} 7/16/2005
i like here that the colors are collected on the horizon and fading up and down, excellent composition and timing indeed


Brenda Guiles Brenda Guiles   {K:6128} 7/4/2005
Wow this is one beautiful image taken by an eight year old! Love the light and the colors in this image! Just gorgeous! A personal *fav* of mine too! :)


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 6/29/2005
Fabulous photograph Judi, I love the saturated colours. May be worth dropping a mail to Altaf regarding setting up a "Junior's" section on here.

I'm sure it should be possible - permanent "adult flag" block and it would be policed by parents - should be pretty easy to do ??

Best wishes,


greg collins   {K:12273} 6/29/2005
Great image and love the poem. Keep up the good work.


Giorgio Goretti   {K:15471} 6/29/2005
My truly congratulations Kita,
really a good start, no wonder, with a such talented mother...;-)
best wishes to you and, please bring my regards to mom ;-)


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 6/29/2005
Kita this is so totally awesome!! You are so very talented...your poem is lovely, and the water in this beautiful picture is stunning...The colors are gorgeous, thank you for sharing this with us. Something tells me you've been watching your mother.. A very beautiful photo and a truly wonderful poem..:):)Linda

PS you're gonna be famous someday just like your mother...:):)Linda


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/28/2005
You have one incredibly talented daughter! 8 years old--Wow! Poetry and photography that can hold its own with any age. Fabulous.


Bryan Jarmain   {K:11941} 6/28/2005
I love it, Judi. Kita has got lots of potential and is already doing a better job than many. You must be teaching her well...


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 6/28/2005
WOW!!! Beautiful picture and incredible composition... It is a poem in itself... Kita is a great photographer... My congraluations to her Judi...




Ezequiel Lozada Ezequiel Lozada   {K:17176} 6/28/2005
Wow !


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 6/28/2005
Your daughter did this? wow, she's got a fantastic eye. I think it's great that you're giving her so much encouragement - being a good Mom is the most important job in the world. So many kids are messed up cause their parents always put them down. Good for you Judi (and good to see your rating bar is back on. I'm sure people will be cool, Take care)


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/28/2005
Hi Bryan. When we were deciding on names we liked the named 'Nikita', but wanted our boy to be called 'Nikolas'. We felt these were too close so decided on Kita instead. We now have three children called Kita, Nikolas and Cai.

Kita is actually a New Zealand name for fast, Japanese name for water (I think) and also a Yugoslave name...but we didn't know any of this until after the fact. We have since met another lady with the same name.



Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 6/28/2005
Very romantic capture Judi, love, asim


Bryan Steffy Bryan Steffy   {K:4910} 6/28/2005
wow!! tell Kita to keep up the good work... this is outstanding, i only wish when i was her age i had someones footsteps to follow in... wow...


ps i really like the name Kita... is it short for anything ..? my wife keeps buggin me to come up with a name for a girl.. not that i would steal her name, but i do like it...



Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 6/27/2005
Wonderful shot Kita - such amazing colours and tones and an excellent composition too. Fantastic!!!


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 6/27/2005
Wonderful colours and reflection of the sky! The composition is exquisite!


Lucas L   {K:12145} 6/27/2005 more to my favorites!


Mark Kresl Mark Kresl   {K:9434} 6/27/2005
Kita you really have your mothers eye for beauty.

Keep up the good work. I will look forward to your next picture and poem!



Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 6/27/2005
do not sure about the name but I suppose there is some pincusion effect of the lens clearly visible and disturbing a bit on the horizon of course; howver stunning light and scenery


Witold Spiess Witold Spiess   {K:2874} 6/27/2005
excellent crop. say hello from Poland to Kita. Maybe some day I will visit beautiful Australia. regards.w


Larry Quigley Larry Quigley   {K:12887} 6/27/2005
A beautiful landscape and a lovely poem, Kita. You give some of us, who are slightly older, something to shoot for. Very well done! Best wishes, Larry.


Tiffany Hix   {K:5012} 6/27/2005
Wonderful Kita, you are a very talented young lady! I love the colors!


Jean-Marc Desjarlais   {K:2131} 6/27/2005
Goodness - what talent! Well done Kita (aka for a few more years "Judi"...)


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 6/27/2005


woww!!! what a wonderful pic and reflections!!! there are cocrodiles there???


Bradley Prue Bradley Prue   {K:30678} 6/27/2005
wow............ it runs in the family.


Bradley Prue Bradley Prue   {K:30678} 6/27/2005


Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 6/27/2005
I'm speechless..... awesome photo and what a great poem to go along with it!!!! Well mom, you've got to do your very best to keep up with this little winner!!!! Ab fab colors, super view/angle (love those rocks in the foreground, they add tons of depth), reflection and composition.... well done!!! And keep them coming.... ;-D!!!


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 6/27/2005
Beautiful symbol of my dream and happiness!


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/27/2005
Hi, this is Kita's mum. I thought I would reply to you as she is asleep at the moment. Her photo can be found in a lot of my images. For example the 2 that were uploaded before this one.



Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 6/27/2005
A work of's perfect..............


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 6/27/2005
Very beautiful landscape Judi!
Excellent compositon, colors and silhoeuttes!


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 6/27/2005
perfect colors and ligthing Judi , very well done .



Larry Fosse Larry Fosse   {K:66493} 6/27/2005
Beautiful sunset Kita...I really like the mirror effect of calm water...very wel done


Ehdae  (Abullha AL Hazza)   {K:4725} 6/27/2005
fantastic shot!


Fabio Ficola   {K:10466} 6/27/2005

Great picture and words
Cheers from italy. -Fabio-


N3ma  Allah Hisham N3ma Allah Hisham   {K:5465} 6/27/2005
thank u Kita for this wonderful photo & words,
keep it up sweety
I want to see a phot of u
regards, N3ma


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 6/27/2005
Wow Kita!!!! A GREAT camera!!! Great photographers need good equipment!!!
You are learning from the best!!!!!!
Take care!.....................John


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/27/2005
Dear John. I do have my very own camera. It is a Canon 300D SLR. Thankyou for your comment on my picture. That is very sweet of you to do that.




John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 6/27/2005
What a most talented 8 year old!!!!This is gorgeous Kita!!!!!!You did a fantastic job here!!! A very beautiful and well taken photo!You should be proud of this photograph!!! Keep shooting!!!
My best.............John
PS, Tell Mom You need Your very own camera!!!LOL


Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 6/27/2005
Hello Judi, the colors are perfect and beautiful it saturates, the scene is pleasant.Compliments


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 6/27/2005
Such a great shot.. and when i read that your 8 year old kid did it.. double wow! =) Impressive!


Patrick J


Jason Mckeown Jason Mckeown   {K:22200} 6/27/2005
fantastic shot Kita, with a teacher like your mum, when we see your work under your own name i'm sure even your mums gunna be jealous.


Mark Evans Mark Evans   {K:17428} 6/27/2005
WOW !! What an amazing capture , it looks beautiful !! love the colours , im sure kita will learn alot in the next 5 years about photography , She has a great teacher .. cheers .. marky . 7+++


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 6/27/2005
dearest Kita this is an amazing shot!!!!! fantastic colors!!!!!I love your poem as well!!!!! sending you my congratulations and a sweet hug!!!


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/27/2005
Thankyou kindly everyone.




Sara M   {K:12411} 6/27/2005
Wonderful capture with stunning colours


Hanggan Situmorang Hanggan Situmorang   {K:37833} 6/27/2005
Superb colors and ligthing. Glorious and wonderful sky, very nicely composed and exposed. Lovely poetry and words, Judi. She is a very talented girl. Congratulations...:)


antonio nullus   {K:8540} 6/27/2005
Very good perspective,Very fine.
I added You to my friends.


Kelly    {K:20268} 6/27/2005
kita, you are so wise and talented beyond your years... congrats little sweetheart... your photo is just stunning...


Sid Mallick   {K:1040} 6/27/2005

i have no word to describe what i saw and read... out of the world!!!!!

best of luck to kita
70 on 7 to this young photographer/poet


Liz Wallis Liz Wallis   {K:26133} 6/27/2005
How do we critique this one.... WOW... will that do, lol. I think this is just stunning, like all your other work.. Liz


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/27/2005
Thanks Luisa. I made up the poem all by myself, it didn't take very long, just an hour.



luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 6/27/2005
fantastic shot!!! great!




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