Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 10/14/2005
Thanks Margaret - it was another surprise. Still working towards getting recognition for one of my photos because I captured a good one. I'm with you - not sure I understood Drowned Rat's explanation either! Jan
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 10/14/2005
Congrats on critique of the day Janice, it was so interesting to see how the result had been achieved, [not that I fully understood it all LOL as I said to Drowned Rat I am technically challanged as well as vertically challenged :) Margaret
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 10/14/2005
Congrats on Critique of the Day Jan. Well deserved! Congrats...hope you get lots of views. :)
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 8/26/2005
Thanks Susie - that was a happy surprise. Doesn't Rob capture some fantastic shots?
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 8/26/2005
Hey Jan! Congrats on Critique of the Day! And to showcase Rob's pics as well...how wonderful. Very well deserved. Have a wonderful day! Susie
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 8/26/2005
I know what you mean about the BIP SC EC being a good place to observe but there are times I just want to ask what were you thinking.
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 8/26/2005
Love ya too, Lady Ellen. Don't get me wrong I am very pleased to be on the front page again, even if it is because of words. Trying to take a worthwhile and meaningful photo has given me a greater appreciation for the works of art that are posted on this site. I have learned so much by seeing those shots that are deemed BIP or SC or EC, etc. and then trying to understand how they did what they did - and what made them stand out. Super helpful people on this site that's for sure. Jan
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 8/26/2005
Jan your photos are up there now you are getting press time. Yes I know just how you feel it is a little left handed. But I enjoyed every min of it and all my photos were shown for a solid 24 hours under the one that got you there. I'm not wagging my finger at you I'm proud of you. A short time ago you were just starting out and now your critiques are deemed important enough to share with everyone. Honey this is still considered a grand thing. I love ya Jan, you're always going to be a headliner in my book.
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 8/25/2005
Well, shucks - thanks Ellen. Do you think that I will ever get on the front page with one of my OWN photos? Perhaps, I should just critique?
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 8/25/2005
Jan your a headliner good work on getting front page.
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 7/3/2005
You are correct Margaret - lost detail in the bright glare of the white. Still need lots of practice on those and those pesky reds. Appreciate your comments and suggestions. Thanks - Jan
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 7/2/2005
I've been unable to post or respond too much lately because of work load. I just too a break from mowing the lawn and saw the front page... I went to closely examine your experiments. I think they are great, but the important thing is what do you think. As the artist you have to be pleased with the changes, I'm pleased that you took my suggestions and have the boldness to experiment. Your have a very good eye for composition. White is difficult to Photograph in bright sun. The bright areas are a bit strong but there is texture there that can be brought out with a little software work. The sharpness seems to be chrisp here. Another technique to help with shooting in bright sun is to create a shadow and a neat way to do this is to carry a medium folding fan like those from Japan.
Thanks for all your comments.. Have a great 4th of July Holiday God Bless... Your Friend peter
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 7/2/2005
Janice you have done some great experimenting, this one I think is a little too bright burns out the white a bit, whereas the previous one has some great tones in it, and means that you can lighten/brighten in PS if you want it brighter. I always find I can do more with shots that are a bit darker - but when they are bright it can be hard to tone down, especially white Margaret
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 6/25/2005
Peter Daniels suggested that I up the EV (Exposure Value---I think) by 1 level at a time (has something to do with the amount of light that gets through the lens) and then go in to the camera's internal sharpness and set it up one level at a time also. Seems to have worked - have not needed to do any unsharpen mask or much if anything with the brightness - other than that - and most of this is my just following Peter's suggestion. I don't have a clue. Jan
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 6/24/2005
Janice, I don't know what you mean by the settings you mention, but I sure like the results. The colour and detail are outstanding. Mary
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 6/22/2005
Oops, sorry - that was not taken with the newer Cybershot, I took it with the 1.3 mg older model. Just clicked on the wrong camera on the drop down - will fix. I did change the EV and in sharpness levels on the camera tho.
Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 6/22/2005
Now there it is with that newer camera of yours! :)