Roger Williams
{K:86139} 8/11/2005
One thing you might like to note, Lea, is that flash is always going to exaggerate the contrast between faces (highly reflective) and clothing (highly absorbent, particularly DARK clothing). If you have a slave unit, you CAN use this to lighten up backgrounds, i.e., putting the slave unit on the ground just behind one of your subjects and pointing the flash at the background surface. More for studio situations than an outdoor scene like this, of course.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 8/11/2005
Oh, Lea, that's too bad. It's basically such a good photograph (after the skillful substitution of the turned head) and all it needs is a bit of tweaking. As I said, I would use dodge and burn. I'm getting pretty good at that (lots of practice). There's also a neat "compress dynamic range" option in the PowerRetouche plugins which I find very useful. I use these plugins all the time...
Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 8/10/2005
Roger, I never heard back from Dan! Lea
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 8/10/2005
I'm sorry you took this discussion off Usefilm, as I was interested. You would have been in a worse plight with a digital camera because of the narrower dynamic range... at least with film there is detail in over-exposed highlights and less noise in the shadows. How did it go? Can we see what resulted? My own approach is a bit simpler; I just use dodge and burn...
Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 6/15/2005
Oh pooh! I sent you a reply that had a link....here's my email address Lea@copper.net. Sen me an email and we can discuss the possibilities less publicly!
Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 6/15/2005
Lea do you have an original untouched file you can send me I will try some things and let you know how to fix it. Dan
Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 6/15/2005
Thanks, Margaret. I hadn't even thought of brightening the background, I was so concerned about the overexposed faces...esp. on 1 of the women.
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 6/15/2005
Lea - no it isn't obvious which head you have exchanged, and I can't offer any help on how to go about shooting this type of thing, I have had a quick fiddle with it, and wonder if your put the people and the background in separate layers, lightened the background, and then perhaps tweaked/painted/levels/bright etc with separate parts of the people it would bring the image up. As I say this was a quick only roughly drew round the people - but see what you think Margaret
