These bad boys are extreamly hard to get hand held and turn out sharp... and this was in the rain.. through the windshield.. so this shot.. the wiper just finished cleaning the window.. and I was shooting for another and got this one... I like the way it comes down and sorta does a loop... I wish I was at a cooler location for this... but trust me.. I set up with something cool in the foreground and wouldn't ya know it.. not a one strike ! ! !
That is way cool Terry. I know how you feel about setting up a shot and nothing. I'll wait for the wind to stop, hold my breath and push the button and most times you would think I was on a fast train. Now I put it on sport speed point and pray.
AWWWWWESOME timing Terry. Thanks for the kind words on grapefruit. Submitting it to High Times and Canibus Canada... keep your eyes out for the next front cover ;) again... Phenominal shot buddy. Keep shooting. -Jeff