Dan TDFoto
{K:8618} 1/13/2007
I think you titled this perfectly...and captured the moment...these are the special shots we as camera holders are fortunate to be a part of :) Nice tones... Dan
Mahamed Ariffin
{K:7114} 12/9/2005
Very good 'action' shot, Marcio. I have once visited the children playground but couldn't get a satisfactory shot.
And thanks for commenting on one of my uploads, dear Marcio.
Merwyn Kanjes
{K:4227} 10/10/2005
Excellent angle and composition... Great lighting, tones and shades. Very well done, Marcio. Regards, Merwyn
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/28/2005
simply gorgeous. fantastic.
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 6/20/2005
wonderful..reminds me of a picture my uncle took of me at that age. what a treasured keepsake this will be for her as well. excellent !
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 6/20/2005
C'est beau cet angle de vue en raccourci, ce haut contraste et ce grain Janou... belle composition itou... drilan
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 6/7/2005
Like a dream! Wonderful!!! CB
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/5/2005
Maaaaarcio... excelente composição usando o lado super-angular. Você tem um grande talento composicional.
Bela captura. Eu tambem (e quem que não?) adorava fazer o balanço rodopiar até ficar tonto. Acho que a menininha esta adorando.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/5/2005
Great work using the shadowes of the other swings. Fine.
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 6/5/2005
Thank you for your comment my friend . Have a nice day :)
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 6/5/2005
Perfect composition Marcio , nice tones & shades , well done .
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 6/5/2005
Excellent photo Marcio!!! Great tones and awesome sense of movement! The composition is first rate My friend!!!!! Nice to see! Take care and GOD bless! My best,......................John 7 !