Usally I try and stay away from controversial subjects here on this site. But, for some reason, I've decided to stir up a little controversy. So, here it is. Do you feel that war is nessary? Notice, I didnt ask if you thought that war was good, I feel I already know what that answer might be. Personaly, I feel that sometimes war is nessary. I also feel that there are those tyrants that bring war upon themselves. And if you look back through history, you'll see what and who I am talking about.
So, let me hear your thoughts on this controversial subject. Do you feel that war is nessary?
Well, for what it is worth. They killed us, we kill them. The US is not (at this stage) a force to go to war to take over territory. We are a punitive military force. This war is necessary. Who knows about the next one.
This from a father who cares deeply about his children and has two who have worn the Blue of the USAF.
Hey Jon, thanks for the comment. Been pretty good myself, been real busy too. So you moved two miles from Longwood Gardens? That must be nice, dont have to travel so far to get there. Have a good one. Jim Gamble
Violent means can never establish Truth or Justice...IMHO
Violence mainly decides whose will shall prevail. It enables the strong to rule over the weak. It enabled USA to prevail over Iraq. It enables Israel to dominate the Palestinians. But there is nothing inherent in superior military or economic power that ensures justice is being done. While saying that justice does require power to enforce itself, to argue that those who wield superior power are ipso facto doing justice would not be acceptable. This is what Gandhi implied when he said even if 99 out of 100 people do not agree with me, I can only do justice by being true to myself, to my conscience, to the God (or moral imperative) within me. Justice and the search for truth, according to Gandhi, require, first and foremost, that we respect those who differ from us and are ever ready to dialogue with them. We must endeavor to change the adversary's mind and heart as much as be ready to change our own set opinions....
The image is excellent,Jim ...perfect tone and lighting...nicely seen and thanks for the forum!..regards,gayle
Excellent shot, Very interesting lighting. As to your question, I think that has to be answered on a case by case basis. I think for example our entry into war on Dec 8, 1941 was necessary, I am not sure every war we have fought is necessarily in that catagory. Del.
First of all, I think this is one of your best shots ever. A nicely composed shot with 'war' to the left third of picture and the other 2/3 in lightness with what looks like a spot of sunshine. I think you've stated the reality of life, and that it is sometimes unavoidable and therefore necessary - to say otherwise and that war should be avoided at all costs, can in fact cost you everything that you hold dear.(hopefully anyone leaving a comment here giving their opinion can do so without being inflammatory in the process)
Great lighting and composition here. The mood fits the subject matter well. I don't hink I won't to get into what I think of war, but I will say, sometimes it has to be done, even though I hate it :(