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Pomodori in Fuga / Tomato Run
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Image Title:  Pomodori in Fuga / Tomato Run
Favorites: 0 
 By: Mila Croft  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Mila Croft {Karma:6038}
Project #50 Alternate Perspective Camera Model Fuji S5000
Categories Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Still Life
Lens -
Uploaded 5/21/2005 Film / Memory Type -
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 478 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 17 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Spain   Spain
About Uno scatto fortuito, venuto per caso, vedendo la scena nell'obiettivo mi è venuta in mente la celebre frase "Io non ci sto!" :D
Per punizione é finito nell'insalata di oggi!!
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There are 17 Comments in 1 Pages
Elisabeth D'Amico   {K:6674} 5/29/2005
Bellissima idea! Strano che le foto più originali capitino così....per caso. Queste si chiamano: coincidenze significative.


Kursat Oner Kursat Oner   {K:1580} 5/29/2005
ke bella colora di domata :)) si, aqua reflectione bella too :)) perfetto compositione :))
sorry :) no italiano, with some estimetions only i tried my best :))


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 5/24/2005
Gustosa foto... piu' dell'insalata!
abrazo donato


Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 5/24/2005
A vederla senza firma mi sarei detto "fa molto milacroft". Per la capacità di animare anche i granelli di polvere..



Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 5/23/2005
Excellent still life Mila, love the colours of the tomatoes and the running water is a good idea also :-)

Best wishes,


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 5/22/2005
This is our first , but hopefully not last meeting on the pages of "Usefilm", Ms. Croft. from first readig your bio it was obvious to me that you had a great sense of humor ("Made in italy") and looking at your web-page and your photo did not belie this. It came out in photos such as your mice-love and others. From all your excellent photos I selected this one to comment on not just because it was the last photo you posted and hence the first one I saw, but also because I found it simple, beautiful and effective and I've been told more than once that simplicity is one of the secters of beauty in art. I suspect anoher one is precision.
Be that as it may, you are, of course, invited to read my bio and pay further visits to my portfolio.
In the meantime, I thank you for your generous comment on my "In Monet's garden 4."
Ciao, Shalom and Salutas,
Dr. Rafael (Rafi for future commnications) Springmann


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 5/22/2005
This is our first , but hopefully not last meeting on the pages of "Usefilm", Ms. Croft. from first readinyour bio it was obvious that you had a treat sense of humor ("Made in italy") and looking at your web-page and your photo did not belie this. It came out in photos such as your mice-love and others. From all your excellent photos I selected this one to comment on not just because it was the last photo you posted and hence the first one I saw, but also because I found it simple, beautiful and effective and I've been told more than once that simplicity is one of the secters of beauty in art. I suspect anoher one is precision.
Be that as it may, you are, of course, invited to read my bio and pay further visits to my portfolio.
In the meantime I thank you for your generous comment on my "In Monet's garden 4."
Ciao, Shalom and Salutas,
Dr. Rafael (Rafi for future commnications) Springmann


EUGENIO SINATRA   {K:1948} 5/22/2005
desumo che tieni la fotocamera a portata di mano sullo scolapiatti, vedi di non scambiarlo per un passapomodoro. bella la sfuocatura sul pomo in primo piano. io la cropperei in rettangolare, che dici.


Fabio Ficola   {K:10466} 5/22/2005
Bellissimo Still life,
ben pensato e realizzato, il pomodoro che cerca di svignarsela è simpaticissimo. Peccato per l'orrenda fine in insalata.

Ciao Fabio


Roberto Bertone   {K:13239} 5/21/2005
Ottimo "Still-life" e colore!!
Spiritosa e simpatica descrizione dello scatto!



Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 5/21/2005
Exelentes detalles y colores Mila!...muy linda foto!
Un gran abrazo!


B B B B   {K:30983} 5/21/2005
Ciao Mila,
mi piace, ironica e ottimamente realizzata!

Paola LL


Marco Donatiello   {K:12147} 5/21/2005
Stupenda nella sua semplicità!




Gennaro Guarino   {K:12372} 5/21/2005
non ho parole, veramente non ho parole. una foto bellissima di grande impatto. stupemda!


patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 5/21/2005
io ammiro moltissimo la tua capacità e quella di pochi altri utenti di saper ricavare foto eccellenti da piccole cose sapientemente preparate


Lorena B.   {K:487} 5/21/2005
:-) pomodoro di sinistra ha il mosso di chi cerca invano di squagliarsela


MCHK 2000   {K:4701} 5/21/2005
Tomatoes with action, great shot!




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