John Hatz
{K:156973} 10/27/2007
Excellent composition of photos, you really makes here the best presentation for that kind of flower, beautiful shot, great colors!!! Best regards Dave, have a great weekend my friend!
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/22/2005
I'm running out of shots of yours to comment on, Dave, but somehow I missed this one and so missed the news of your mother. I hope she's still doing okay! I like the way you put this image together. Four good shots in one! Best regards, Chris
Raf D
{K:9223} 6/1/2005
Good to hear that everything is getting better, after all family is very important!!! Hope everything keeps improving!!! --Kind regards, Rafael
S.D Holmes
{K:7156} 5/31/2005
excellen work here dave - both the compilation and the individual shots!!glad to hear bout your mum!
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 5/30/2005
Pleased to Hear....That Mom's..Recovering Dave! I have Missed you...My Friend Dave!!! Nice...Colourful Composition!!! Best Regards: Jeff.
Nice of you to Visit, Dave!...and Thank you for your Comment!!!
Angela Fox
{K:660} 5/21/2005
I'm sorry to hear about your mother's illnes Dave. I've been away from UF myself for a few days. I'm glad to hear she is recovering. Great colours in your photo, it must have been so beautiful!
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 5/20/2005
Oh Dave these are just gorgeous. Such vibrant colors, the focus is excellent, and so nice to see the variety. I'm glad you're back and so glad to hear that your mother is well...:):) Linda
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 5/19/2005
Hi Dave I am very happy that you mother is feeling better, I wish her a fast recovery Superb collage of those beautiful tulips,excellent colors and composition 7++++++++++ Many thanks for kind remark on "Mystery" Best regards
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 5/19/2005
Hi Dave I am very happy that you mother is feeling better, I wish her a fast recovery Superb collage of those beautiful tulips,excellent colors and composition Many thanks for kind remark on "Mystery" Best regards
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 5/19/2005
Beautiful collage of tulips Dave - wonderful photograph.
Pleased to hear you mom is better too :-)
Best wishes, Steve
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 5/19/2005
I didn't know about your mother, but I'm glad she's making a quick recovery. Rachel, my wife, was chief nurse in a cardiac unit for close to thirty years and some of her knowledge rubbed off on me, so I know what it means. Your conbo of tulips is an excellent "Thank you" gesture, especially the upper part, in which the two tulips seem to bow in thanks to the middle one. Thank you also for your very kind words about my "Red fisherman", my Blue-heart beauty" and my "Book basket." All the best to your mother and to you, Rafi
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 5/19/2005
I didn't know about your mother, but I'm glad she's making a quick recovery. Rachel, my wife, was chief nurse in a cardiac unit for close to thirty years and some of her knowledge rubbed off on me, so I know what it means. Your conbo of tulips is an excellent "Thank you" gesture, especially the upper part, in which the two tulips seem to bow in thanks to the middle one. Thank you also for your very kind words about my "Red fisherman", mt Blue-heart beauty" and my "Book basket." All the best to your mother and to you, Rafi
Bill Voizin
{K:78} 5/19/2005
Glad your Mom is recovering so well Dave. Best regards--Bill Voizin
James Hager
{K:6285} 5/19/2005
Glad you're back and your mother's doing well. Wonderful colection of shots here.
Neil Niamh White
{K:9165} 5/18/2005
A lovely rampant sea of colour. It's great to see what the Fuji can do when you ask :)
{K:26787} 5/18/2005
My favourite is the "panorama" at the bottom ~ a gorgeous sea of tulips. Lovely collage!
Glad to hear that your Mom is feeling better!
cessy karina
{K:14205} 5/18/2005
hi dave, very beautiful tulips here really wonderful picture and hope the best for your mother
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 5/18/2005
Glad your mother is recovering so well. This is a very interesting composite, great imagination. I like it. Del.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 5/17/2005
Sorry to hear about your Mom Dave, but I am glad she is doing better. You have captured these flowers beautifully and are giving Teunis some competition. :)) Welcome back. Alison
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 5/17/2005
Welcome back Dave, nice to see your photos once again. I'm sure we'll see some wonderful floral shots of yours my friend... this one is amazingly composed with creative PS work and results. God bless you and your mother dear Dave, best regards, Khaled.
Larry Quigley
{K:12887} 5/17/2005
Great tulip shots, Dave. Glad to hear your Mom is recovering. The color is just superb on all these tulip shots. Best wishes, Larry
{K:1263} 5/17/2005
Wow Dave these are amazing!!! Love the color and clarity!! Wonderful job! I'm glad your mom is doing better. Vladimir
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 5/17/2005
Very nice. Glad to hear your Mom is doing better. I've been so dern busy & dealing with personal stuff that I'm so far behind! I had no idea your mom had had an MI. My thoughts are with you & yours. Dottie
{K:2382} 5/17/2005
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 5/17/2005
Glorious photos, Dave, and wonderful light. :) They radiate the same happiness your news does.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 5/17/2005
Hello Dave!!! Welcome back!!!So sorry to hear about Your Mother having a heart attack!!!My prayers are with You, Her and Your family My Friend!!!!Very happy to hear She is recovering nicely!!! This is an excellent photo collage Dave! The colors and light are really nice!!!!Love the way You presented these photos!! Very well done!!! I'm behind myself, was away for a few days! Take care friend!........................John
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 5/17/2005
Wonderful to hear your Mom is doing well, take care of her....This is a very well done composite, I especially lke the bottom one ...show us a full picture of this!
Marcia .
{K:16108} 5/17/2005
Hi Dave! Nice to hear that all is ok with your mother now. Wonderful tulips. Fantastic colours.
My best wishes, Márcia.
Gustav Miller
{K:309} 5/17/2005
Hello Dave, great composition with impressive colors, clarity and details. Wishing your dear mother a speedy recovery from her heart attack. Best regards, Gustav
Marilyn Nagy
{K:6008} 5/17/2005
Dave, Sorry to hear about your mom but happy to hear she is recuperating well. Glad you're back. Nice composition here. Beautiful firy red tulips. Marilyn
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 5/17/2005
Dave, Like you are back Greatw ork here Teunis
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 5/17/2005
Gorgeous Dave - so glad to hear that your Mom is recovering well, I was so behind with comments - that I am sorry I missed a lot and did not know about her heart attach. Margaret
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 5/17/2005
Dear Dave, I didn't know what happened to your Mom until I read this. I am happy to know that she's recovering now. I am sure she will recover sooner by seeing this beautiful montage...:) Congratulations!
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 5/17/2005
What a intresting scene well composed image with good colours and lighting!7++++
See you soon as possible.
Mark Kresl
{K:9434} 5/17/2005
Dave, I'm glad to hear that your mother is doing well. This is a great series of shots. Very well done. Welcome back.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 5/17/2005
Superb images and gorgeous colours. I am so pleased to hear that you mum is doing fine. Welcome back buddy.
Shane Finnigan
{K:1990} 5/17/2005
Hey Dave.... great to read your moms okay!!!
{K:3526} 5/17/2005
Welcome back my friend..im glad for the good news wonderful pic and great details
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 5/17/2005
Nice composite. I'm glad you had a chance to see nthe tulips between the raindrops. Glad to hear your Mother is doing well. Mary
Fadel J
{K:13974} 5/17/2005
Welcome back Dave and very glad to hear the good news! very beautiful image and colors, you should send this to your mom!