James Hager
{K:6285} 5/18/2005
Wow! I've never seen a raptor be so friendly before. The second picture you posted of Wally is amazing too.
andree lerat
{K:17476} 5/16/2005
Sad story but you've captured a wonderful moment. It is so heart warming to see the love between this beautiful bird and a human beings. Fantastic... Cheers, Andree
{K:42404} 5/16/2005
wonderful pic my friend!! I have here in Peru a birds of prey breeder center, you van see some pics in mi portafolio . Thanks for your comment and God bless you
Alison Stroebel
{K:4069} 5/16/2005
Thanks Margaret I agree. I would love to do a photoshoot with Louw I think he is so photogenic. But without a studio or anything how would one go about it. :-) I have to share the one he took of me with Wally. Wally is just so loveable, this is totally out of charascter with this type of bird. He has completely lost his "bird identification" he thinks he is a children . :-)
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 5/16/2005
Oh my word that is wonderful, frightening to be so close to that beak, even tame ! but such an excellent shot - bird looks as though he adores Louw, and Louw has a lovely smile Margaret