City - Jangway Chiang Mai State - DOI ANGKHANG Country - Thailand
Most of my photographs on this subject have been of rather humble spirit houses - partly because those are seen so often throughout Thailand and seem to reflect something of the most basic beliefs of the people. Hotels and other large buildings, of course, have more elaborate constructions. This one is at the Royal Project, Doi Angkhang, Chiang Mai Province.
For the benefit of anyone who doesn't know about Thai spirit houses: the tradition of paying respect to the land and the spirit of the land (the guardian spirit is known as 'Jao Tee' in Thai)is pre-Buddhist and animist in origin. Even today a house is erected for the guardian spirit (the 'lord of the land') and offerings left on a regular basis. The offerings can be almost anything: food, flowers, incense, etc.
Indeed - what a difference, but I guess some of the most humble - take the most effort and mean a lot to the people. A lovely composiiton though and good to see the extremes Margaret