Evelyn Mayes
{K:8132} 5/31/2005
Yup -- he knew but he was making up for it trying to be interested and posing for the camera. One of my cats likes to pose for me -- the other doesn't understand the whole thing and instantly stops what she is doing to come over for pets. Animals are fabulous! Your dog? I think this pic is charming in itself even without the little story behind it. Here is one for you from my cat who is smelling the roses (for the camera).
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 5/6/2005
Mark Kresl
{K:9434} 5/4/2005
Nice image, Nicole. Much better than what you usually see dogs sniffing!
Very well composed and shot.
{K:26787} 5/2/2005
Nice timing, Nicole :) Lovely shot!
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 5/2/2005
Beautiful momment Nicole!! Well done! Best regards! Roberto.
Bob Aldridge
{K:14758} 5/2/2005
P.S I looked at some of your breakouts and they are excellent. Sorry I didnt have time to comment but I speek for them all, EXCELLENT,GOOD WORK!!!! Bob.
Bob Aldridge
{K:14758} 5/2/2005
Gorgeous colours Nicole,nice shot but I think he would prefer a bone some how. thanks for your comment much appricaited. cheers Bob.
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 5/2/2005
His actions speak louder than words, "stop and step on the flowers...oops, I mean smell the flowers." Cute moment.