Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 7/19/2005
Don't recall whether I commented on this one before, but oh how I love it. The tones are just beautiful. Antonia
{K:42404} 5/2/2005
My wicked woman,perhaps be due to that in those days my computer was wasted and I decided to send it with a person walking until there, hahahah!!! God bless you
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 5/2/2005
Hey, go figure. You wrote this comment on April 19....I received it on May 2. Hmmm!!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 5/2/2005
Thankyou so kindly Hauke for your comments.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 5/2/2005
Thanks so much Steve for your comments. Let me know when the magazine arrives please.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 5/1/2005
Truly amazing work Judi, fabulous photograph and the toning is superb.
Love the poem also :-)
Best wishes, Steve
Hauke Haien
{K:39} 4/30/2005
I really love the composition on this one. Beautiful colour.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/28/2005
Thanks sweetie. Glad you like it.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/28/2005
Thankyou so very much Giulio. I am pleased it touched you also.
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 4/27/2005
Bellissima fantasia: mi ricorda molto i lavori di Brian Froud. Sembra un suo disegno trasformato in realtà
Ben Mok
{K:4084} 4/27/2005
gorgeous photo!
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 4/27/2005
Lovely and dramatic composition, Judi. Mysterious stare and lights. Excellent work of art. Salute!
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 4/24/2005
Caught this fairy did you, very nicely done Judi!!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/24/2005
No, it's okay Arwa...it didn't bother me...I was just teasing too...LOL!!
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 4/24/2005
I was just teasing dear judi! Sorry if I bothered you ((hugs)))
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/24/2005
Wow...thankyou so much Arwa...but you make me feel old when you say 'when I grow up'. I hope to always be young at heart...as that is where our dreams come from.
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 4/23/2005
Oh my! Judi?I want to be you when I grow up ;) Anything I would say would be inappropriate and won?t give this image justice! It just takes my breath away! A favorite!!!! Happy birthday little fairy princess :)
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Awww...thankyou Kel. I will keep this message in my emails so she can read it tomorrow. I understand what you mean about the ratings. I don't rate anymore because I am sick of my rating dragging the overall rating down so much.
Such a nuisance.
{K:20268} 4/23/2005
oh god.... how on earth did i miss this..... BLOODY BRILLIANT JUDI !!!!!!!!.... just awesome.... one of your best for sure.... i so want to give you a 7 but am not game incase it brings your rate down... so just know i woulda given you a big fat 7 ! give kita this little message for me in the morn. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRECIOUS LITTLE KITA FAIRY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU ! lub kel
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Awwww...thankyou Kira. Tell her this is my daughter Kita. Her birthday is tomorrow and the paper put her name in for her birthday but spelt her name 'Kira'. She promptly corrected them...LOL!!
Alison Webb
{K:1779} 4/23/2005
My daughter wanted me to tell you she loves this photo. Kira (Al).
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Ahhhh Al...you will get there. It just takes practise.
Alison Webb
{K:1779} 4/23/2005
There the programs i have & use & mine never look as good as you'rs LOL... Still have my L plates on. Al.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Wow...thankyou so much Luke. That is one heck of a compliment to be compared to the likes of Anne Geddes.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Oh, don't get too technical...I may not understand your new language. I am but a simple Aussie chick....hehehehe!!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Hehehehe...no she actually poses herself for these images herself. She said this pose is a fairy discovered. And that is what I went with.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Thankyou so kindly Omar.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Thanks Al. I am glad you like it. My images are made using a combination of Adobe PS CS and Paint Shop Pro 9....plus a couple of other programmes.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Hehehehe....no, she is a fairy that has been discovered. Thankyou so much for your excellent comment.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Thankyou so much Dave for your comments.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Hey, don't take your hat off...you will catch cold my friend...LOL!! Thanks Phil. Judi
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Thanks David for looking even though it isn't your style. There will be a couple more of these...I hope you don't mind.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Thanks Larry. I used to be told that I had an overactive imagination and it wouldn't do me any good...hmmm!!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/23/2005
Thanks Jim. I really appreciate that.
Kristin Upcroft
{K:1389} 4/23/2005
Fantastic photoart work, you seem to make it so realistic - I'm sure if I tried it would just look tacky! Well done. Kristin
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 4/23/2005
shades of Anne Geddes, brilliantly done with your own photographic style signature!
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 4/23/2005
this is beautiful Judi, as usual fantastic job.. i really need to consult a theasarus to come up with new words to congratualete you....lol...
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 4/23/2005
see looks like she was caught diong something! Cute shot.... Dottie
Omar Rifaat
{K:10141} 4/22/2005
So creative! You make a great mother! Keep waving your fairy wand (camera) and making these great images. Omar
Alison Webb
{K:1779} 4/22/2005
So Magical Jud a Beautiful pic, I love the tones you have used to Jud,well done as always. Cheers Al. PS do you do al this work in PS or do you use another program. Al.
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 4/22/2005
Judi,I love this one. You acheived a perfect tone an lighting for this,subtle details that disappear into the background. When I first looked at this I thought 'angel' and, though a great expression on her face, thought 'this is an angel with a sort of diabolic look in her eyes'. Seeing it is a fairy, it is perfect.Love the poem to go with it.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 4/22/2005
Very nicely done, Judi! Dave.
Jerry Underwood
{K:1045} 4/22/2005
Magic photo. Excellent work :-)
{K:4458} 4/22/2005
This is great! Love the poem and that fairy of yours is so cute. Love the wings! Outstanding work as usual!
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 4/22/2005
una foto molto suggestiva complimenti patrizio
James Philip Pegg
{K:10138} 4/22/2005
I would take my hat off to you, but who wants to look at a bald head :)
This is great, love the tones, a 10+ my friend.
All my best, James
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 4/22/2005
brilliant work, I like the look very much. Not something I would do, but certaily enjoy looking at. I like the colors very much and the general dark atmosphere.
Eric Simpson
{K:2348} 4/22/2005
Um... Wow!
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/22/2005
Oh, A heavenly thought, i enjoyed your shot Judi, bravo for this different done and skifully!
Larry Quigley
{K:12887} 4/22/2005
You have imagination beyond compare. Wonderful shot and words! Larry
Robert Lloyd
{K:9943} 4/22/2005
bueatyfull capture judi lovely settings great work . well done
Joshua Mellen
{K:336} 4/22/2005
Wonderful job, Judi. I love the wings on the fairy and especially your poem. Great color and composition.
I find it ironic that every day I've been hearing about fairies :) I had to watch three fairy movies in a row: Finding Neverland, A Fairy Tale, and Peter Pan.
James Bambery
{K:13421} 4/22/2005
Nice, super tones and your wings are really, really well done. Great work Judi.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou so kindly Rafael. I am pleased you liked my fairy image.
Raf D
{K:9223} 4/22/2005
Wonderful representation of a sweet story!!! Inspiring work Judy!!! -- Cheers, Raf
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou so kindly Rona. I really appreciate all your wonderful support.
Rona K **
{K:2375} 4/22/2005
This is adorable.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou so much roberto for your kind words.
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 4/22/2005
Eccellente e creativo lavoro, ottima tonalità!!! Compl. Judi!!!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou also David for adding me to your friends list. I am flattered.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou so much David. I am pleased you liked it. I made this image tonight. It was a nice quick one.
Davide Bressanello
{K:3103} 4/22/2005
another little masterpiece Judi!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Fairies, angels, mermaids, they are everywhere. Just because we cannot see them with our eyes, does not mean they do not exist. I am so pleased you are enjoying my work.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou so very much Erkoc. I really appreciate that.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thanks Giorgio for bearing with me through the translations. I would rather understand fully with what you are saying than just guessing and getting it wrong.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Wow...thankyou so much Niels. Coming from you that is a real compliment.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Awww..thankyou my sweet lady. Just remember.....next time you sneeze......!!!!
Bjorn Beheydt
{K:12096} 4/22/2005
I am only just discovering yuor portfolio Judi, but I simply love it. That's why I added you to my friends list indeed. DO you believe in fairies? I do... I live with one ;-) Would be wonderful to experience a new world like that.. or our world in that way...
erkoc dalaman
{K:4295} 4/22/2005
Perfect..everything is perfect..the colours..the fairy..what can I say? Congrats..
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Awww...thankyou my sweet Roby.
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 4/22/2005
WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Giorgio Mesghetz
{K:6724} 4/22/2005
tutto ok judi,you are great!
Niels Hansen
{K:293} 4/22/2005
Excellent compsition, beautifull !!!!!!!! Keep going with what you`re doing
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou so very much Andrea for your kind comment.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou so much Roberto. I am really pleased you like it.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thanks Andree. I like working with the dark brown tones with fantasy style image unless I go the extreme opposite and use bright colour.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou so much Giorgio. The translation isn't working in our favour so I hope you like it.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thankyou sweet lady. Do you believe in fairies?
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/22/2005
Thanks so much Bjorn. All the poems are written by me unless I state otherwise. I have many in my portfolio.
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 4/22/2005
Judi so magical, beautiful, tender, touching, and of course very very clever and artistic, and wonderful words to go with it. Superb 10++++ Margaret
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/22/2005
wonderfully my sweet judi! hugs, roby 7
cecilia tovini
{K:29423} 4/22/2005
Very noice and very well composed. Cecilia
{K:42404} 4/22/2005
7+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, wonderful pic, composition,work. all is perfect, bravo!!!!!!! thanks for share it and God bless you PS: I will send you an e mail because I need your advices.
Cristina D
{K:8080} 4/22/2005
Judi u r amazing, another exceptional photo! I like to see u how u improve urself. Congrats,
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 4/22/2005
Excellent composition and sepia work Judi!! Very beautiful! Congrats! Roberto.
Andrea Salis
{K:74} 4/22/2005
Secondo me è un'immagine molto fantasy, onirica. Mi piace molto il tono di colore e la costruzione.
{K:30945} 4/22/2005
SO beautiful dear Judi! Love it! Kiss, B:)liana
andree lerat
{K:17476} 4/22/2005
Beautiful poem and work of art. Love the copper tone of the photography. Regards, Andree
andree lerat
{K:17476} 4/22/2005
Beautiful poem and work of art. Love the copper tone of the photography.
Bjorn Beheydt
{K:12096} 4/22/2005
Great picture, very good setup and composition. I love the soft and low lighting, and the colortone. And the poem.. is wonderful, and fits the photograph. Did you write it yourself?
Giorgio Mesghetz
{K:6724} 4/22/2005
Un capolavoro!sempre meglio judi!!!voto wow7+++