safak tortu
{K:2724} 12/1/2005
nice shot.good portrait...
louis Michael
{K:4210} 11/22/2005
Lovely portrait. I like the color and delail and color of her face and hands against the quiet background.
{K:10535} 11/21/2005
eugenio intini
{K:-75} 11/21/2005
wow great colours, composition and expression...great shot regardssss
So Cal Photograhper
{K:18529} 11/21/2005
The green background against her red hair really makes the color stand out.
Congratulations on the staff choice photo.
Mark Longo
{K:12760} 11/21/2005
Oh! I love the thoughful expression. Also I love the composition, with placement of the figure to the left, leaving an open area to the right. This composition seems to increase the effect of quiet thoughtfullness in the portrait. Also the colors of the hair and the background create a perfect mood and harmony. Wonderful portrait, and an instant favorite!! 7/7, Bravo!!!
{K:11030} 11/21/2005
Excellent portait! Great colours and amazing composition. I like it so much!!! Congrats for the "Staff Choice"! Simona ;)
zosia zija
{K:11106} 11/21/2005
very nice
marco "dheim" orciuoli
{K:4467} 11/21/2005
impressive portrait! great!
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 11/18/2005
Fantastic colors and composition !! Wonderful !!
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 11/17/2005
gorgeous! a highlight in a dingy bar.
Hai Thanh
{K:1396} 11/17/2005
Yeah.. just simply the best.. color tone and compositon.. great.. !!! congratulation !!!
hai thanh.
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 11/17/2005
wonderful colors and expression
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 11/17/2005
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 11/17/2005
background the way hands are and mood forms a superb portrait. congrats for the sc
Zelda Zabrinsky
{K:3036} 11/17/2005
great color
Peter Kovács
{K:52} 11/17/2005
pekná fotka
Ian V
{K:1730} 10/14/2005
beautiful photo
Andreas Droussiotis
{K:4757} 6/12/2005
Great composition and colors
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 5/24/2005
very good!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/24/2005
magnific and congrats for the Staff Choice roby
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 5/24/2005
Congratulations kato!!!      A wonderful portrait! the red hair against the greenish wall is wonderful!!! Congratulations on the staff choice award! 7/7
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 5/3/2005
great work excellent portfolio
Alex Truong
{K:410} 4/15/2005
Of all the portraits I've seen on here, I think this is my favorite. I like the contrast of red and green. The lighting is perfect. The pensive look on her face is so expressive. On a different suject, Tamara give a great review.
Zannoni Matteo
{K:12211} 4/15/2005
bellissimo ritratto pensieroso, Pace e Salute, M.
André Bermak
{K:14443} 4/15/2005
Excelente foto.Ótimas cores,textura e composição!!!!
Giuseppe Musumarra
{K:1177} 4/15/2005
I like i too! A nice shot.
Adelino Barreto
{K:12661} 4/15/2005
Very good portrait! Colours are excelente. Congratulations.
{K:12969} 4/15/2005
very good image Kato
Tamara N
{K:2617} 4/15/2005
I really love what you've done here. The lighting and colors are perfect. Her red hair stands out perfecting against the green background, with just the right amount of light. The expression on her face looks very contemplative, and the benefit of her pose is that you get her ring in the photo as well. That ring, her hair, and her face give her a lot of personality, even though she's really not communicating with the camera. I also really like the slight overall graininess, which I think gives it a bit of edge. Fantastic.
ama tor
{K:1432} 4/15/2005
a to je dobre :)
Eva H
{K:493} 4/15/2005
ouvej & perfect
Kasia Z
{K:63} 4/15/2005
i like this red hair, and colours are great