Kambiz K
{K:37420} 12/4/2005
I like the pattern with those shadows. Great story. You have the same camera. Good luck.
{K:4764} 4/11/2005
Perceft composition and lighting. Congrats.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 4/10/2005
Amazing capture of this light and shadow show, James! Well done! Dave.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 4/10/2005
Truly wonderful. Mary -
Fabrizio Fiorucci
{K:4871} 4/9/2005
Beautiful idea, it almost looks like a painting. I tried to enhance shadows and lights a bit, just my two cents :)

Zannoni Matteo
{K:12211} 4/9/2005
dei giochi di luce straordinari, complimenti,
Pace e Salute, M.
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 4/9/2005
Well seen,and well taken,in my opinion needs some more contrast,just a bit,anyhow very good,congrats!!!!!!
{K:8878} 4/9/2005
perfect capture...
Elahe S. Ahmadian
{K:8695} 4/9/2005
artistic and creative, excellent composition.
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 4/9/2005
Great shot .. nice composition well done James ..
Regards, aLi
James Hager
{K:6285} 4/9/2005
Thanks for your comment Ayse. I like the contrast as it is. The 8-bit RGB values go from 5 to 254, which is pretty contrasty in the pure sense.
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 4/9/2005
Wonderful abstract!! Nice colors and composition!! Very well spotted!!!
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/9/2005
Very good idea in using shadows, exellent composition, bravo!good motion has created with the diagonal line of stairs> my rate: 5 < i would appreciate your looking at my shots.
Ayse Altan
{K:3905} 4/9/2005
nice composition but I think it nedds a litlle more contrast good job
dani mesk
{K:1409} 4/9/2005
bella immagine,molto suggestiva,io avrei contrastato un po di più. Dani.
Kshitiz Anand
{K:4848} 4/9/2005
Nice observation.. like the shadow pattern on the wall.. the colors are well expressed here.. Regards!