James Hager
{K:6285} 4/8/2005
Thanks Hugo. It's good to be back.
Glad you like the perspective. I shot it as a landscape with the top of the stairs on the right, mainly because that's the view I saw when leaning over the edge to get the shot. It was only as I was working on it in Photoshop that I noticed the image was stronger as a portrait.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/8/2005
Hi James, I noticed you've been away for quite a while too, but that is obviously besides the point of this photo. Quite a change from the subjects I've seen from you until now, but as usual a very good one. Nice perspective and optical illusion, as the only thing that gives away the direction of the photo (up or down) is the hand rail. Very clever and original angle.
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 4/8/2005
amazing, i like this shots, this angle is very good
Elahe S. Ahmadian
{K:8695} 4/8/2005
excellent perspective and angle, realy artistic.
Arturs Daukulis
{K:1364} 4/8/2005
ammazing perspective!!!congrats :)
Mariusz Ciesla
{K:217} 4/8/2005
Like it a lot.
Lotta Soderberg
{K:69} 4/8/2005
Great perspective with nice depth and light. /Lotta